Chapter 29

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The whole family was waiting in the waiting room for the doctor to tell us what happened to Lauren. Christina and I are still really shocked. We just don't understand what happened. After a hour the doctor walked in and we all jumped up.

Lauren is stable, she passed out for the amount of presure and it caused headbleeding but she's OK right now- The doctor said and we sighed in relief.

She is awake and asked for Lisa and Christina- He added and we run to her room.

LAUREN!- We all screamed when we saw her looking outside. She had all kind of tubes connected with her and she looked really pale. She smiled and we hugged her tight making sure we didn't hurt her.

Are you OK?!- I asked worried still hugging her

I'm OK Lise don't worry- She said. I looked at her with tears in my eyes

Why are you crying?- She asked. I strocked her hair smiling through tears

You have no idea how much I missed it when you call me Lise- I said and she smiled. I kissed her on her forhead and she hugged me tight

When can I leave?- She asked and we looked at her funny

Girl you just had a headbleeding I don't think you're able to get out of the hospital any time soon- Christina said and she pounted and we laughed.

Don't worry Lolo- I said and she smiled at me. The doctor walked in smiling

How are you feeling Lauren?- He asked

I'm fine- She said smiling

Well Lauren is stable but she needs to stay in the hospital for 2 weeks- The doctor said

What?! No not so long!- Lauren protest

I'm sorry but it's to dangerous for you to leave sooner- He explained her

But I'll be bored- She said and we all chuckeld

Don't worry, you have a lot to do- He said and we looked confused

Lauren needs to do a special kind of work out every day so she stays healthy.- He explained and Lauren pounted again

And after your work out you can watch movies or walk around the hospital- He said and she smiled weakly.

Ofcourse you can come and visit her every day- He said to us and we nodded smiling. He walked out and we stayed with Lauren till visiting time was over and we had to leave.

No please don't go!- Lauren said sadly

I'm sorry Lo but I promise that I'll come tommorow and visit- I said hugging her

Ok- She said looking down and I smiled. We all walked out and drove home, I was really sad I mean Lauren remembered Christina and me and we can't spend time together.



My sisters came to visit today and we were walking our the park I go every day with some friends I made.

So Lauren how are you keeping up here?- Amy asked

It's better than I thought it would be- I said and they smiled.

HEY LAUREN!- Hailey screamed running towards me

Hey- I said

Who are they?- She asked looking at my sisters

Ow! they are my sisters- I said and she nodded smiling

Is this your friend?- Christina said and I nodded

Lauren are you ready for tonight?- She whispered and I nodded

Ask them a lot, My parents gave me 500 dollar so try to get some more than last time- She whispered and I nodded. She hugged me and left.

What did she say?- Dani asked

Ow nothing- I lied and they nodded. Dani and Amy run to the swings while I talked with the others.

Guys can I borrow some money?- I asked and they looked confused

For what?- Lisa asked. buy food and drinks in the cantine- I lied and they nodded

How much?- Christina asked

I don't know- I said and she grabbed her wallet.

I have 50- She said

Is that enough?- She asked handing it to me

Uhm..........- I said

Here I have 40- Lisa said and Kathrine gave me 60.

Thanks guys- I said hugging them. I put the money in my pocket and they had to leave. I run to Hailey

How much did you got?- She asked

150 dollar- I said

Nice- She said and we got our drugs. Yes drugs, Hailey once gave me but she didn't told me what it was and now I'm addicted. The nurses and doctors don't know about it since we stay outside till we aren't high anymore. I was acually already addicted to it when John and Emily forced me to do it but I stopped for a shot time but I missed the feeling. No pain, No worries.


Hey Mom- I said. We just arrived back home and we saw Mom.

Hey girls can you go to the store and buy milk, eggs and cookies?- She asked

But we don't have money- Christina said and she looked confused

Lauren asked for money- I said and she looked even more confused

How much?- She asked

Uhm total 150 dollar- Kahtrine said and her eyes widen

But girls yesterday I gave her 100 dollar why does she needs so much money in a hospital?!- She asked worried.

What?!- We screamed.

We should go and ask her now- I said and we all drove back to the hospital.

Sorry but visiting hours are over- The nurse said

But it's really improtant- I said

Alright but don't stay too long- She said and run inside and saw Hailey and Lauren talking.

Uhm Hailey can we please talk to Lauren?- I asked

Sure- Hailey said and walked out.

What's wrong?- Lauren asked and I sat down next to her

Lauren why do you need 250 dollar?- I asked and she lookd nervous.

Uhm just stuff- Lauren said

What stuff?- Christina asked

Nothing important- Lauren said looking down

Then tell us- Kathrine said

No- Lauren said

Why not?- I asked and she stayd quiet

Listen Lauren we won't be mad if you just tell us the truth- Mom said. Lauren teared up and I hugged her tight Lauren said and broke down crying. We gasped and hugged her really tight


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