The Shadows are dangerous

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The dark, web-filled forest lingered behind me as I made my way back toward Amber’s camp, my mind racing with the gravity of what I had just set in motion. The pact was formed—Mona’s goblins, Mia’s spiders, and Amber’s wolves. A formidable alliance, but one that was fragile. Each of my wives was a force of nature in her own right, powerful and unpredictable. And if I wasn’t careful, the balance of power between them could just as easily tear us apart as the Bloodpack’s claws could.

As I approached Amber’s territory, the moon hung low in the sky, casting long shadows over the land. The familiar scent of the Moonlight pack’s territory greeted me, but there was an uneasiness in the air, a tension that hadn’t been there before. The pack was preparing for war.

When I arrived at the main encampment, the warriors were already gathered, sharpening their weapons and fortifying defenses. Amber was there at the center of it all, giving orders with the commanding presence of a true Alpha. Her fiery red eyes, the same color as mine, locked onto me as I approached. She paused for a moment, the weight of everything settling between us.

“You’ve returned,” she said, her voice steady but charged with emotion. “What did the others say?”

“Mona and Mia have agreed to join us,” I replied, stepping closer. “The goblins and spiders are preparing as we speak. We’ll have their full support when the Bloodpack strikes.”

Amber’s lips curled into a fierce grin. “Good. We’ll need every ally we can get.”

But there was something else in her expression—a shadow of doubt, or perhaps something deeper. I could sense it, even if she tried to hide it. Amber was the Alpha, strong and unyielding, but even she knew the risks involved in this war. And now that Mona and Mia were part of it, the stakes had risen even higher.

“We’re ready to move out,” Amber continued, her eyes scanning the warriors around us. “The Bloodpack won’t wait long. We have to strike before they can rally their forces.”

I nodded, though a part of me couldn’t shake the feeling that something was still off. “And what about the other packs? Have you heard anything from them?”

Amber’s face darkened. “Some of the smaller packs have declared neutrality. They don’t want to get involved in a war between the Moonlight pack and the Bloodpack. Cowards.” Her fists clenched at her sides. “But others… they might be swayed by the Bloodpack’s promises. We can’t trust them.”

I frowned, understanding her frustration. The politics between the various wolf packs were complicated, and not all of them would stand by Amber. The Bloodpack was known for its brutality, but also for its cunning. They had a way of bending others to their will.

“Then we have to make sure they don’t have the chance to join,” I said, my voice hardening. “We hit them fast, hit them hard. Before they can call for reinforcements.”

Amber nodded in agreement, her resolve steeling once again. “Exactly. And I’ll be leading the charge.”

Just then, a messenger wolf approached, bowing slightly to Amber. “Alpha, the scouts have reported movement near the northern border. The Bloodpack is gathering. They’re on the move.”

Amber’s eyes flared with the fire of anticipation. “It’s time.”


The next few hours were a blur of preparation. Amber’s warriors were rallied, the goblins and spiders made their way toward our camp, and we prepared to march. The tension in the air was palpable, each member of the pack knowing that the battle ahead would determine the fate of our territories—and possibly our lives.

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