Chapter 10

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I woke up from a call. I heard Tamaki yelling, not the first thing you want to hear in the morning, trust me. 'Miya! I've been tryimg to reach you for a while now! I and the rest of the hosts are already at Haruhi's! You need to come to!' I groaned. 'Why are you at Haruhi's?' 

'Because i had a dream. That she was living in a poverty! And i needed to make sure my daighter is okay!' 

'I'll be there. Just hold on.' I do have to support Haruhi. So i'll sacrefice myself.


I was there in 15 minutes. I saw Haruhi looking angry as she was letting the hosts in her appartment. He eyes did light up a bit when she saw i was there to. 

'Morning, Haruhi. Sorry i couldn't stop the hosts. I woke up from Tamaki calling me.' 'Poor thimg.' Haruhi responded as we also walked into the appartment.

I made myself comfertable. But the i saw... Cake!!!

Everyone got a piece and Mori and I gave our strawberries to Honey. 'Miya-San?'Honey asked. 'hhmm?' I responded. 'What is your favorite cake? I never realy asked.'

I blushed. 'A-apple pie.' 'Why?" Honey asked. 'Well... it reminds me of atumn. With those beitiful collors and the weather gettimg colder.' 'Your right.' Honey responded. 'That ís a great feeling.'

Honey asks somethimg about lunch, so we are preparing to go to the supermarket.

'Commoners supermarket! Commoners supermarket! The twins sing. Tamaki pays his respct to Haruhi's late mother. It's very sweet of him.

But then he trips and lands on Haruhi. On that moment Ranka walks in. Tamaki now has left a very bad impression. I can't help bit to let put a giggle.

'Oh, hi Miya. Good to see you again.' He says. 'Hi Ranka.' I respond.

He started talking with Kyoya. Appearantly Kyoya had contacted him before. I rolled my eyes, typical. 

Haruhi didn't take it all to good though. She went out the door to go to the supermarket alone. A few seconds later she walks in again, grabs my arm, and walks out the apartment again. But this time dragging me along.

Not that i mind going to the supermarket.

Not that i mind going to the supermarket

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In the end i went with Haruhi to the supermarket. And how the fuck did she not notice the hostclub behind us.

They were way to obvious. Ofcourse she could also just be ignoring them. Just like i was doing.

But i think she's just a little blind.

'So.' Haruhi starts. 'Are yiu planning on letting the people on Ouran know about your relationship with Kyoya?'

I nodded my head. 'No, i don't think that it will be neccesary. Something very big would need to happen for us to tell it. (Hint, hint) I also have no idea what it would mean for the hostclub. So we'll just keep it a secret'

Haruhi nodded. 'I get it.'

'And Miya? Can you punish you boyfriend for contacting my father behind my back?'

I smiled. 'I'll give him a beating.' She looked at me with big eyes. 'Do you mean-' i gave her a wink. She shivered. 'I need to get thát picture out of my head. No offense.' 'Non taken.' I say with a smile.

I almost can't imagine my life without the hostclub. Expecialy Haruhi and Kyoya. I don't know what i would do without them. They are the main reason i opened up. That i became myself. I've locked myself up for years.

Afraid to feel, afraid to love, afraid to mess things up. But these day are over. That wasn't the real me. Cause now i am the real me. 


Kyoya and I left Haruhi's house and we were walking home together. We arrived at my home nad i invited him in.

I made some tea and sat next to him.'it's been a nice day.' I said. He nodded his head. We sat there for half an hour.

Than we went to sit in my room for a little privacy.

He gave me a kiss and i anwsered it. Suddendly full lust. The inly thought my brain produced were: hmmm, nice, more. He pulled me close till or body's were pressed together. The only thing keeping them apart were some clothes.

We sat on the sofa in my room. I was on his lap. His fingers stroke over my back. Leaving a trail of tingles. We gasped for breath.

I looked into his perfect eyes. I touched those perfect cheelbones with my hand. He closed his eyes. I folowed his lips with my fingers. Those seducing lips. 

I pressed my lips against his again. Hungry for more. He lifted me up and lay me on the bed.

We were almost at the next step.

Once we crossed that line there would be no turning back. We both realised it.

'Are you sure you want to do this.' He asked. I nodded.

×××(Damn that was... cringe to write. Than why did you do it? You wonder. Honestly... i have no idea! But who cares. Time to move on.

Today i released a lot of chapters. I had to much time on my hands.

This was a short chapter. Only 857 words...

Hope you liked it though, keep reading on!)×××

Hope you liked it though, keep reading on!)×××

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