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chloe's pov:
the party in the enchanted forest is tonight and i am SO excited. i can't stop thinking about how red said to me this morning that she will "make it up to me". to be honest i'm a little nervous. red and i sit cross legged in front of our full length mirror and start to do our makeup while we start drinking.
"try this one, i promise you'll like it. it's strawberries and cinnamon" red hands me a can of some type of alcohol and i crack it open and smell it first.
"it kinda smells like you" i say intrigued
"that's why i thought you'd like it" oh my god. i blush and hide my face so red can't see and then take a sip. yum! we giggle over all the funny things that happened in our classes today and came to conclusion that everybody in auradon is extremely mind numbing. we sing a long to the music red is playing and just keep on laughing. i think i wanna try something new with my makeup today. i dip a brush into my blue eyeshadow and start to draw on an extremely wonky cat wing on my eye.
"oh god princess, you cannot show up like that" red laughs at my poor attempt of eyeliner and i giggle with her. "here, let me help you" red takes the brush out of my hand and moves herself closer to me. oh my god, deep breaths chloe, let's not do something embarassing again. she tucks my hair behind my ears and grabs my chin. she starts to fix up my eyeliner for me, and oh my god, we have never been this close before. i don't even know where to look or what to do or what to say. "you can still breathe princess" red says realising that i am completely frozen. "other eye now" red slowly moves her hand from my chin to my cheek, tracing the curves of my face with her fingertips. deep breaths chloe. i can feel reds breath on my lips and i can't take my eyes away from hers. fuck.

reds pov:
as i finish up fixing chloes eyeliner, i can't bring myself to move away, or even take my eyes off of her. she is so beautiful. i carefully move my hand down from her cheek to the back of her neck, not taking my eyes away from her lips. i force myself to look back to her eyes and chloe seems to also not be able to take her eyes away from my lips. "all done bluey" i let her know to bring her back to reality. and myself too. the reality of which we could never be something. i want nothing more than to pick up her and kiss her until our lips ache, but i cant. this is my attempt to finally make a smart decision for once in my life. i've already hurt her so much just in the past two days, and i can't imagine how much pain i would inflict on her if something actually happened between us. "you look beautiful" i say as i drop my hand down from her neck and back into my lap while moving slightly further away from her. we share an almost sad smile, like we both know the reality of the situation, "you do too red". we finish up our makeup while cracking open our second drinks. i grab my clothes and go into the bathroom to get dressed. i put on my fishnet stockings, with a black leather mini skirt, a red corset top and red platform boots. "wow... red... you look... wow" chloe's eyes run up and down my body, before meeting my eyes. "let's have another drink and then we should get going" i say to divert from the situation, which pains me so much to do. fuck i just want to kiss her. so badly. but i can't. we can't do that to our friendship. i just can't believe i have someone like her in my life. we crack open another drink, "cheers to a great night!" chloe says. we giggle and chug our drink before we head out the door, through the school, and towards the enchanted forest.

chloe's pov:
"how deep into the forest is the party" i ask red.
"i was hoping you'd know.."
"red!! what the fuck!!"
"calm down princess, i'm just messing with you. not too far, it's just down near the lake"
"okay good. cause my legs feel like jelly" i slur while giggling and almost tripping over a branch
"you alright there princess?"
"yesss redddd" i very much was not alright. being drunk feels funny.
"alright bluey. hop on board" red gestures for me to get onto her back. she crouches down and i jump on. she wraps her arms around my legs to make sure i don't fall and i wrap my arms around her neck. i can't stop giggling, this is so much fun.
"what're you laughing at up there princess?" red giggles at me
"i love piggybacks!!!!!!"
we giggle together and i put my head on top of my arm, so our cheeks were touching. "hey i hear people!" "yay we're here!" red gently lets me down and we share a quick smile before entering the crowd. the music was loud and everyone was screaming, talking, laughing, or singing. i grab reds arm so she doesn't leave my side, "don't worry bluey, i'm right here". god she always knows how to make me feel okay. we head towards a group of vk's who are chanting and getting ready to take shots. "are you two pretty ladies joining us?" a random boy asks us. "if the drinks are on you then of course we are" red responds. the boy laughs and pours red and i both two shots. "bottoms up" we take a breath before downing them and heading to the dance floor. "i'm so drunk" "me too" we giggle and dance. we start slightly distant from eachother, dancing in our own worlds, until red grabs my hand and pulls me closer. oh my god. we keep dancing while moving closer and closer to eachother, our bodies nearly touching. fuck. red spins herself around and starts dancing on me. FUCK. we keep on dancing, but i wish i could just grab her face and make out with her. i still don't even know if she feels the same way as me...probably not. "red! chloe!" a voice appears out of no where. we see quinn coming towards us, and red immediately takes a step away from me. i swear to god this bitch..... "hey quinn! sick party!" red says loudly to be heard over the music. "there's a group of us playing some games a little further in the forest if you guys wanna join?" red looks over to me, waiting for me to answer; she definitely knows i don't like this girl. well fuck i would love to if quinn wasn't there.... but hey maybe this is a good time to meet some new people. "we would love to!" i say while trying to give a genuine smile to quinn. "yay! follow me guys!" as we start to follow her, red steals someones bottle of vodka that was sitting against a tree. i give red a small slap of disapproval across her arm and she tells me "finders keepers" before opening the bottle and taking at least two shots.
"woah red, slow down there"
"you want some princess?"
"duh" i take the bottle from red and drink as much as i could. she looks at me impressed with raised eyebrows and says, "okay princess" in a flirtatious voice. fuck i love when she calls me that. red and i are both stumbling across the uneven ground, bumping into eachother and apologising straight after every time. "i brought some more friends!" quinn says as we approach a group of people sitting in a circle. "ayyyy!!" "hey guys!" "welcome!" "yooo" "come join" people say to us as we sit down on the grass. "this is red and chloe" quinn introduces us to the group. "so what are we playing?" red asks the group while taking another sip of the vodka and passing me the bottle. "we were thinking.... seven minutes in heaven" a voice echoes. WHAT! i gasp mid sip and start choking on the vodka and can't stop coughing. no way. no no no. what if red and i get eachother? i mean it wouldn't be the end of the world.. but could be the end of our friendship. or even worse.....what if she gets quinn???!!!!!

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