silent treatment

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chloes pov:
i wake up confused, why am i in reds bed? oh...... OH!!!! oh my god. i smack my hand to my mouth once my drunken memories start flooding in. holy shit..... red and i kissed last night. i can't believe that actually happened!!! i can't wait to see her... and who knows, maybe we will kiss again today. i lay there for a few minutes trying to wrap my head around everything, until i realise that its weird that red was awake and out of bed before me...she is never awake this early. "red?" i call out into the room...nothing. weird..where is she?? "red???" the bathroom door swings open and red walks out in a towel. god she is beautiful. "you're up early!" i say as my eyes follow red to the wardrobe. i get no response. "how are you feeling after last night?" i ask, still no response. red gets her clothes out of the drawer and takes them straight to the bathroom without even looking in my direction. that was so weird. this is so weird. why is red ignoring me??? how did we go from intensely making out then cuddling eachother to sleep to her completely ignoring me?? i get out of reds bed, because it feels weird to be in it now, and go to sit on the couch. i am so confused. does she regret last night?? but she is literally the one who told me she wanted to kiss me. AND she's the one who initiated us sleeping in the same bed. red comes out of the bathroom dressed, and she still doesn't look or speak to me. i watch her as she grabs her phone and bag and then she walks out the door. what the fuck is happening. i must've done something wrong....but what?? i need to talk to her and find out what's wrong. i quickly brush my teeth and get dressed and start heading to the dining hall.

i see red sitting at a table in the corner by herself. i quickly walk over, ready to ask her why she is ignoring me, and sit myself down opposite her. i feel a wave of anxiety rush over me...fuck. she is clearly already upset with me and if i asked her why right now she will only get even more mad. i swallow all the words i had prepared and sit there nervously picking at my nails while red digs into a muffin. still silence... still no eye contact. "hi" i say to her, and she finally meets my eyes for one second before digging straight back to her muffin. that's all i get?? fine. two can play at this game. i stand up from my chair and hover over red for a moment before strutting out of the dining hall and heading straight back to the dorm. all of my periods today are with red, so there's no chance in hell i'll be going to any. if she doesn't wanna see me, then i won't let her. i'm also a little scared of her right now to be honest, so i'd rather not. i've never skipped class before, this is actually kinda exciting! thanks red i guess...

it's been four hours and i haven't moved from the couch. i can't stop thinking about how perfect last night was. it really was everything i have always dreamt of. i really thought red would've thought the same..... but i still can't think of anything i did that would make her ignore me.

another two hours go by and i think i've done a million steps just from pacing around the room. i hear the last school bell ring and start freaking out. red will be back any minute now. i try to think about what i'm going to say when she gets back. should i be mad? upset? i don't even know what i should be feeling. the door suddenly swings open and red comes walking in. she throws her bag on the floor and slips her shoes off and jumps straight into her bed, obviously without acknowledging me at all. i awkwardly stand in the middle of the room staring at her before i go and sit on the end of my bed. the silence is deafening and you could cut the tension with a knife. i take a deep breath before finally speaking. "red." i say, followed by even more silence. "red", silence. "red im talking to you" i finally snap at her which catches her attention, finally. she stays laying down but turns her head to look at me, "yes?"
"i think... i think we need to talk about last night"
"what about it?" she responds
"um.... i dunno.... you do remember what happened...right?" red deflects her eyes away and hesitantly nods. why is she acting so weird about it all?? i can't hide the frustration on my face or my voice.
"red you have to help me out here, why are you giving me the silent treatment?"
"look chloe, we were drunk, and it obviously meant nothing." wow. it meant nothing to her? how can she even say that? has all this flirting just been to tease me?? did she have some evil plan to get me to fall for her just so she can hurt me?? i sit there in silence for a minute before i finally muster up the courage to speak.
"right, yeah, it didn't mean anything, i'm glad we are on the same page" i lie
"oh thank god. i was worried you had feelings for me there princess"
"hahaha whattttt!!! noooo!!!!! hahahahaha you're funny red!!!" god i'm an awful liar. our eyes lock and we share a smile, i think this is her way of saying 'i'll stop ignoring you now that i know you don't like me like that'. i feel my face burning up and my jaw start to shake. fuck. i run to the bathroom and lock the door behind me and start sobbing. like really sobbing. i turn on the tap and cover my hands over my mouth in attempt to drown out the sounds so red doesn't hear me. i can't believe that last night didn't mean anything to her. has all of this meant nothing to her?? do i mean nothing to her?? has she just been using me???? the worst part of this all is that i am still in love with red. i don't think there is anything she could do that would stop my feelings. fuck.

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