the date

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chloe's pov:
i wake up to my alarm, and to absolutely no surprise, red sleeps through it. i yawn and roll over to stop it and sit up in my bed. i can't take my eyes away from red. i watch her sleep as a ray of sun shines onto her face from our window. wow. she is so beautiful. i feel a wave of sadness take over me as i watch red. that night at the party was so perfect. everything about it. it meant everything to me...and meant nothing to red. and now she's going on a date with quinn. i don't understand what red sees in quinn that she can't see in me??? okay sure she's much cooler and prettier than me, funnier too, but hey we both have blue hair! i wipe away a tear that had crept up on me while i try to shake off the idea of red and quinn kissing. i get up and head over to reds bed, as it was basically part of our routine now that i wake her up every morning. "red, it's time to wake up" i whisper while gently shaking her, she grunts in response and flips herself over now facing me. "reddd, wake up!" i say at a normal volume now with no response from her, she's fallen back asleep. i sigh and just continue to stand over red, watching her. i can't help but bring my hand to her cheek. i gently stroke her face with my thumb, she is so beautiful. i run my fingers through her hair, admiring her, when i see a small smile paint on her face. "morning bluey" she mumbles with her raspy morning voice. i quickly take my hand away from her hair once i recall where red and i have left off. "don't stop, that felt nice" red mumbles while she keeps her eyes closed. i have to take a moment before i can move my body. platonic friends can do this, right? with hesitation, i sit down on reds bed and begin to brush my fingers through her hair again. i can't take my eyes away from her. i never thought i would fall for someone like red, but then again, how could i not? we stay like this for a few minutes, with red half asleep and me savouring every moment. "alright red, we have to get ready for school" i whisper gently as i slowly stop brushing my hand through reds hair,"plus you have a date to get ready for later..." i add, trying to sound excited. red suddenly widens her eyes and stares off into the distance while sitting herself up, "right...yeah...a date..."

reds pov:
fuck. i forgot about everything that happened yesterday. i don't understand why i just can't be normal and let myself be happy and be with chloe. of course i always have to go the extra mile and hurt myself and everyone around me. now i've ruined any chance i had with chloe, and i'm going on a date with quinn who i don't even have feelings for. we both get up and start getting ready for the day. "so... are you excited?" chloe asks with a slight smile on her face which quickly fades. "yeah! super! i- i think i really like quinn.." i say trying to convince the both of us. chloe gives me a small comforting smile and a nod, and i smile back. we stay there frozen, on opposite sides of our dorm room yet holding eye contact that makes us feel like we are standing face to face. chloe quickly looks away and takes a deep breath. we both continue getting ready in complete silence.

chloe's pov:
"i'm gonna head to class now, i'll see you..after your date i guess...?" i say while slowly heading to the door. "yeah. i guess" red responds. i try not to hover or look at red too much while leaving, i really have to try get over her.

*time skip to after school*

reds pov:
i head straight from my last period to the front school gates, and see quinn leaning against a pillar waiting for me. she spots me and gives me a wave and i head towards her. fuck why am i nervous? well to be fair i've actually never been on a date before, my mom never let me, but since chlo and i used the pocketwatch i'm sure she would just be happy for me. "hey red" "hey quinn" we stand in front of eachother and share a smile as she goes in to hug me. i flinch and step back, quinn looks at me confused as to why i just dodged her hug (which is fair enough, i mean we are on a date). "sorry, i'm not really a hugger" i say hesitantly. "oh! yeah! sure! i'm not really either to be honest" we both giggle as she gestures for me to follow her.

chloes pov:
as i walk back to my dorm, i pass the front entrance of the school. i walk past and stop in my tracks. i see quinn and red at the bottom of the staircase outside by the gates. i stand there. still. frozen. almost praying that red would just turn around and see me and realise how much i love her. realise that she doesn't need quinn, or anybody else for that matter. it feels greedy, i've never felt this way before, but i can't help it. i still stand there frozen, my chest tight, as i watch them walk away. 'just turn around red..please please just turn around and see me' i think to myself over and over 'please please please'. and they were gone. my jaw begins to shake and my face burns up, i can't help but burst into tears. i run as fast as i can back to the dorm, hyperventilating through the tears. once i arrive i throw myself straight into reds bed. i lay there. crying, thinking, and crying some more. why didn't i try harder with red??? i should've just told her how i really truly feel. fuck. i've fucked up. and now she's someone else's.

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