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I wake up to the sound of my alarm, the shrill beeping cutting through the silence of the room.

I'm on the couch again, my back aching from another restless night. The familiar weight of tension settles over me as I remember where I am, Jungkook's apartment. I groan, rubbing my eyes, wishing I could wake up somewhere else, anywhere else.

Today's a workday, and for that, I'm grateful.

Work is my escape, the one place where I can forget about everything that's gone wrong in my life. I sit up, running a hand through my hair, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep. My mind is already racing with the tasks I need to tackle at the studio, the new song I've been working on, the production tweaks that need to be made.

I stand, stretching, and glance at the closed bedroom door. He's still in there, probably asleep. Good. The less I have to see him this morning, the better. I grab my clothes and head to the bathroom, trying to be as quiet as possible.

As I get ready, I stare at my reflection in the mirror, trying to push away the anxiety that's been gnawing at me since I woke up. I need to focus on work today, not on the fact that I'm still here, stuck in this apartment with him. The makeup I apply is like a shield, something to hide behind. I can't afford to look vulnerable, not today.

When I step out of the bathroom, fully dressed and ready to go, I hear movement from the kitchen. My heart sinks. Of course, he's awake now. I should have left earlier. I quickly grab my bag, hoping to slip out without any interaction.

But as I near the door, Jungkook's voice stops me. "You're leaving already?"

I freeze, my hand on the doorknob. "Yeah. I have to get to the studio," I say, not turning around.

"You're always in such a rush," he says, his tone casual, but there's an edge to it that I can't ignore.

I sigh, closing my eyes for a brief moment. "I have a lot to do."

"Right. Because work is all you care about now." His voice is cold, and it hits me like a punch to the gut.

I turn around, glaring at him. "And what's that supposed to mean?"

He shrugs, leaning against the counter, his eyes dark. "Just that you've been burying yourself in work ever since..."

I know what he's about to say, and I can't bear to hear it. "Don't," I snap, cutting him off. "Just don't."

His eyes flash with anger, and for a moment, we're locked in a silent battle of wills. But I don't have the energy for this fight. Not today. I turn and walk out the door, slamming it behind me.

at work

"Hold the elevator!"

I quickly hit the button to keep the doors open, and a moment later, Yoongi slips inside, slightly out of breath. He grins at me, and for the first time today, I feel my mood lift a little.

"Thanks," he says, leaning against the wall of the elevator. "Didn't think I'd make it."

"No problem," I reply, smiling back at him. "I didn't know you worked here."

He nods, still catching his breath. "Yeah, just started producing for some of the artists here. It's been a wild ride so far."

"That's great," I say, genuinely happy for him. I've been running into Yoongi at the coffee shop for a while now, and there's something about him that makes everything feel a little less heavy. "I'm a producer and singer here too. Guess we'll be seeing each other around a lot more."

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