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Jungkook's POV

"We can't just throw everything away, Jungkook. Think about our daughter!" Ae-ri's voice was desperate as she pleaded with me, her eyes brimming with tears. She stood in front of me, hands clasped together as if begging for mercy.

I stared at her coldly, my heart hardened by the lies she had spun. "She's not my daughter," I spat, the words laced with venom.

"You made sure of that when you kept this secret from me."

"She needs both of us," Ae-ri insisted, stepping closer as if proximity could change my mind. "We can still be a family, for her sake."

I shook my head, the anger inside me simmering just beneath the surface.

"No. I'm done with you, Ae-ri. I want a divorce. And as for the child... I'll fight for custody. I'm not letting you drag her down with your lies."

Ae-ri's face crumpled, tears spilling over as she tried to reach out to me. "Jungkook, please... Don't do this.

We can fix this.

I'll do anything.

Please, don't take her away from me."

But her pleas only fueled my resolve. The betrayal was too deep, too unforgivable. "It's over, Ae-ri," I said firmly, stepping back from her grasp.

"I'll see you in court."

at the court

The courtroom was tense, the air thick with the weight of what was at stake.

Ae-ri sat across from me, her face pale and drawn, while I remained stoic, determined to sever the ties that bound us.

The proceedings were bitter, each of us fighting for custody of the child we had both come to love, though under false pretenses.

But in the end, the judge saw through the façade.

The lies, the deceit, the toxic environment we had created were no place for an innocent child. The ruling came down like a hammer, final and unyielding.

"The court has decided that it is in the best interest of the child to be placed under the care of a child shelter center," the judge declared, her voice firm and impartial.

"Neither party will retain custody."

The words echoed in the silent courtroom, the finality of it sinking in.

Ae-ri gasped, her hand flying to her mouth as she realized what this meant.

I felt a hollow ache in my chest, the reality of the situation crashing down on me.

As we left the courtroom, I couldn't bring myself to look at her. This wasn't how I had imagined things would end. But there was no turning back now.

The child we both loved was now out of our reach, lost to the consequences of our actions.

The weight of what had happened settled heavily on my shoulders.

I had wanted revenge, but instead, I had lost everything. The lies and betrayal had torn apart not just our lives, but the life of an innocent child who was now caught in the crossfire of our mistakes.

As I walked away from the courthouse, I couldn't shake the image of that small, innocent face, now destined to grow up without either of the people who had once claimed to love her.

The guilt gnawed at me, but it was too late to change anything now. Karma had come full circle, leaving behind nothing but regret and sorrow.

Eun-ha was determined as he walked into the child shelter center, holding tightly onto the documents Yoongi had given him.

His heart raced, knowing that this was his only chance to reclaim his child and make up for the lost time.

The sterile smell of the center greeted him as he approached the front desk, where a woman with a kind but tired expression sat behind a computer.

"Good afternoon," Eun-ha said, trying to keep his voice steady. "I'm here about a child- my child."

The woman looked up from her computer, her gaze softening as she noted the seriousness in his tone. "What's the name of the child?"

"Her name is jeon bo-ra," Eun-ha replied, his heart clenching at the mention of her name. "I have documents here proving that I'm her biological father."

He handed over the papers, and the woman took them, her eyes scanning the information carefully. She glanced up at Eun-ha, her expression now a mixture of understanding and concern.

"I see," she said, her voice gentle. "It's not often we have a parent come forward like this, especially after a custody case has been decided."

Eun-ha nodded, swallowing hard. "I didn't know about her until recently. Her mother kept it from me. But I'm here now, and I want to take responsibility for her. She's my daughter, and I want to make sure she's safe and loved."

The woman studied him for a moment, sensing the sincerity in his words.

"I understand this is important to you, Mr. Eun. However, there are legal procedures we need to follow. I'll need to verify these documents and speak with the appropriate authorities."

"Please, do whatever you need to," Eun-ha said quickly. "I just want to make sure she's okay. And... I need to ask that Jungkook and Ae-ri aren't informed about this. They've caused enough pain already."

The woman nodded, understanding the delicate nature of the situation.

"I'll make sure your request is noted. We'll do everything we can to protect the child's well-being and respect your wishes."

Eun-ha let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. "Thank you. That means a lot to me."

She offered a reassuring smile. "We'll take care of it. I'll have someone bring bo-ra to you once we've verified everything."

As Eun-ha waited, he felt a mix of anxiety and hope. He had missed so much of his daughter's life, but now he had the chance to be the father she needed. He thought of Yoongi and how much this discovery had changed everything. For bo-ra's sake, he was willing to do whatever it took to ensure she had a loving and stable home.

After what felt like an eternity, a staff member appeared, holding the hand of a small girl with big, curious eyes. Eun-ha's heart swelled with emotion as he knelt down to her level, tears threatening to spill over.

"Hi, bo-ra," he said softly, his voice trembling with emotion. "I'm your dad."

"I'm here to take you home," Eun-ha continued, his voice thick with emotion. "you'll be safe with me, I promise."

The staff member gently gave bo-ra to go to him, and after a moment's hesitation, Eun-ha opened his arms, and to his overwhelming relief, letting him hold her close.

As he hugged his daughter for the first time, Eun-ha felt the weight of the past few months lift off his shoulders. This was what mattered...the chance to be the father she needed, to give her the love and care she deserved.

"Thank you," Eun-ha whispered to the woman in charge, his voice breaking with gratitude. "Thank you for giving me this chance."

She smiled warmly, understanding the significance of the moment. "You're welcome, Mr. ha. Take good care of her."

Eun-ha nodded, holding his daughter tightly as they left the center together, ready to start a new chapter of their lives, one filled with love and the promise of a better future.

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