01 - A recipe for trouble

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Emma Kelce carefully piped the final swirl of pink frosting onto the batch of cupcakes she had spent the last two hours perfecting. She stepped back and admired her handiwork, a small smile tugging at her lips despite her sour mood. Baking always calmed her nerves, and after the day she'd had, she needed the peace.

"Emma! Did you burn something again?" Her father, Travis, shouted from the other room, his voice carrying through the small kitchen of their family restaurant, "The Blue Spoon".

Emma rolled her eyes. "No, Dad! It's just the oven running hot again," she replied, wiping her flour-covered hands on her apron. She turned to find Travis already in the doorway, a mixture of worry and amusement on his face.

Travis Kelce was a man who had mastered the art of looking tired. His sandy hair was perpetually tousled from the constant demands of running a busy restaurant, and his eyes always held a hint of exhaustion. But beneath it all, there was warmth—a softness in his gaze that spoke of patience, love, and maybe a bit too much self-sacrifice.

"Well, it smells good in here," he said, stepping inside and glancing around at the array of baked goods. "But I thought you were supposed to be studying for your finals, not stress-baking."

Emma let out a heavy sigh and leaned against the counter. "I was. Then I realized that algebra is a personal attack on my sanity. Besides, these cupcakes are for the school party this weekend. I'm just being productive."

"Uh-huh," Travis replied, his eyes narrowing suspiciously. "Or maybe you're just avoiding what's really bothering you."

"Ugh, you sound like a therapist," Emma groaned, turning back to her cupcakes. "I'm fine. Really."

But she wasn't. Her best friend, Jessica, had just been asked to the spring dance by the guy Emma had liked for months, and she couldn't shake the sting of betrayal. She wasn't sure who she was more upset with—Jessica for accepting, or herself for not making a move sooner. As she stared down at the rows of perfectly frosted cupcakes, she felt the frustration simmering inside her again.

Travis seemed to sense it. He stepped closer and gave her a soft nudge. "How about a break? Why don't you take some of these over to the Swifts'? I hear they're planning something big for the school party, and you could use a distraction."

Emma looked up, her expression softening. The Swifts were their neighbours, and Mrs. Swift—Taylor—was one of the kindest people Emma knew. Besides, any excuse to get out of her own head for a bit was welcome. "Yeah, okay," she said with a small nod. "Maybe I will."

"Good." Travis reached over, snatched a cupcake, and took a big bite. "And tell Taylor I said hi."

"Will do," Emma replied with a chuckle as she packed up a box of cupcakes. She looked at her dad, his tired smile, and felt a pang of guilt. She wished he'd have more fun, meet someone nice, and maybe even go on a date for the first time in years. But Travis seemed content to stay focused on the restaurant and avoid the messiness of love altogether.


Across town, Liam Swift was in his room, sprawled across his bed, phone in hand. His fingers flew across the screen as he typed a message to Emma, teasing her about her latest "emo post" on Instagram. He didn't know why she insisted on keeping up that brooding nerd persona online when, in reality, she was one of the most competitive people he knew.

The sound of his mom, Taylor Swift, bustling around downstairs broke his concentration. "Liam! Did you pick up your suit from the dry cleaners?" she called up to him, her voice echoing through their small, cozy home.

"Yes, Mom!" he shouted back, even though he hadn't. He made a mental note to do it later—maybe. He wasn't in any hurry. He hated these formal school events, but he knew his mom loved them, and she'd never miss an opportunity to chaperone and embarrass him in front of the entire student body.

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