11 - sneaking out

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After the tension at school and the chaos that followed, Emma and Liam decided it was time to play things smart. They'd both agreed that they wanted to be exclusive—officially dating, with no more confusion or mixed signals. But to keep their parents off their backs, they needed to show they could be responsible. No more fights, no more getting caught making out behind the lockers, and no more sneaking off to parties.

Taylor and Travis, on their part, were cautiously optimistic. With Emma and Liam seemingly on the right track, both parents felt a mix of relief and pride. Yet, there was an underlying sadness neither could shake off.

Taylor and Travis had made a hard decision: they had to end things between them. As much as they liked each other—'really' liked each other—they couldn't ignore that their kids needed stability. Taylor had told Travis over a tense, emotional call, "They need to focus on school and growing up right now. Not be worried about us and our mess." Travis had reluctantly agreed, even though he felt like something special was slipping through his fingers.

Now, a fragile peace seemed to reign in both households. Taylor watched Liam closely as he  seemed to pour herself into his schoolwork, and she couldn't help but feel a bittersweet pride. They were in the living room one afternoon, Taylor with a book in hand and Liam sprawled across the couch.

"You know," Taylor began, "when I was your age, I used to love these books." She held up "Pride and Prejudice" with a smile. "Classic romance, but also very much about finding yourself."

Liam smirked, leaning in to take a better look. "Finding myself? Or finding some hot girl in a big fancy house?"

Taylor laughed. "A little of both, I suppose. But mostly, it's about understanding who you are and what you want in life."

Liam studied his mom's face, sensing the wistfulness there. "Do you ever feel like you found what you wanted, Mom?"

Taylor looked at her daughter, touched by the sincerity of the question. "I'm still figuring that out, I guess. But I know I want the best for you, always. And I'm proud of you for turning things around."

Liam smiled, a genuine warmth in his expression. "Thanks, Mom. I'm trying."

Meanwhile, at the other house, Travis and his daughter  were having a similar bonding moment. Travis, sensing that things had calmed down, had suggested they head out to the backyard for a little football practice.

"Alright, Emma," Travis said, tossing the ball. "Remember, it's all in the grip. You want to control the ball, not the other way around."

Emma nodded, focused. "Got it."

They practiced for a while, Travis offering pointers and occasionally giving Emma a clap on the back. It was the most relaxed she  had felt in weeks, and she liked the easy camaraderie with her dad. After a few rounds, Emma leaned on her knees, catching her breath. "You ever think about when you were my age, Dad?"

Travis chuckled. "All the time. I was probably getting into just as much trouble as you are now. Maybe more."

"Yeah, but you had football," Emma replied, her tone thoughtful. "It was different."

Travis nodded, considering. "True. But I had to grow up real fast, too. And I want you to have the time to figure out who you are, Emma. Without rushing into anything."

The girl paused, hearing the weight in her father's voice. "I get it, Dad. Thanks for...you know, looking out for me."

Travis hugged her lovingly, a silent acknowledgment that meant more than words.

Days went by, and it seemed like everything was finally falling into place. Emma and Liam continued to date, keeping things mostly under wraps and playing it safe to keep their parents happy. But the pull to see each other more, to be closer, was always there—growing stronger with each passing day.

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