06 - collateral damage

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Emma and Liam were feeling pretty pleased with themselves. The dance class had gone better than either of them expected. Their parents had played along, seemed to enjoy themselves, and even thrown a playful challenge back at them. Now, as they plotted their next move, there was an unmistakable sense of satisfaction between the two.

"Okay, so what's the plan?" Emma asked, her voice low as she leaned over Liam's kitchen counter, their heads close together.

Liam's eyes sparkled with excitement. "We need something that really puts them in a situation where they have to be honest with each other. No more small talk and polite conversations."

Emma nodded. "Right. Something that pushes them into having a serious heart-to-heart." She tapped her fingers against the counter thoughtfully. "How about we stage an 'emergency'? Something that forces them to work together."

Liam's face lit up. "Like getting them stuck somewhere? A car breaking down on the way to a fake event we set up? Maybe they could get stuck at some remote cabin — think forced proximity."

Emma laughed. "You've been watching too many rom-coms. But... it's not a bad idea."

They continued to brainstorm, unaware that their parents were overhearing them from the other room. Taylor and Travis stood just out of sight, exchanging concerned looks. They had gone along with their kids' schemes up to this point, but now it was becoming clear they needed to take control of the situation. It wasn't just harmless fun anymore.

As Emma and Liam concocted their next big idea, Taylor and Travis decided to intervene. If they were going to get their kids to back off, they'd have to play this just right.

The following evening, Emma and Liam decided to put their plan into action. They borrowed Travis's SUV and convinced their parents to attend a charity auction at a remote lakeside venue, claiming it was a great opportunity for them to get involved in the community.

Taylor and Travis, both suspicious but playing along, agreed. As they drove, the tension between them was palpable. Taylor's fingers tapped rhythmically against her knee, her eyes fixed on the road ahead.

"You know, they're trying really hard," she said finally, breaking the silence.

Travis nodded, gripping the wheel. "Yeah. Too hard. I'm worried they're getting a bit too invested in this whole matchmaking thing."

Taylor sighed. "I think we need to have a serious talk with them after tonight."

Travis nodded again. "Agreed. But for now, let's just get through this 'auction' they've set up."

Suddenly, the SUV sputtered, jerking forward and then stalling completely.

"Whoa, what the—?" Travis muttered, trying to restart the engine. But nothing happened. The SUV was dead. He looked at Taylor, his frustration evident. "I knew it. This is all part of their plan."

Taylor groaned, leaning back in her seat. "Great. Stranded in the middle of nowhere."

Travis chuckled. "Could be worse. We could be stuck here without a phone signal." He glanced at his phone. "Oh, look. No service. Perfect."

Taylor shot him a glare. "This isn't funny, Travis."

"I wasn't trying to be funny," he shot back, his tone sharper than he intended. "But hey, let's just wait here until they magically 'find' us and save the day, right?"

Taylor's eyes narrowed. "You think I'm enjoying this? You think I like being manipulated by our kids like this?"

Travis sighed, his patience fraying. "No, Taylor, I'm saying we need to stop playing along with their games."

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