02 - the school party

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The school gym was alive with laughter, music, and the hum of excited voices. Bright streamers and balloons hung from the ceiling, and a DJ was spinning pop songs that got both kids and adults dancing. It was the annual school party, and everyone was in high spirits. Parents were milling around, trying not to look too out of place, while kids darted in and out of the crowd, playing games and enjoying the festivities.

Emma and Liam stood near the refreshment table, both sipping on their sodas, eyes scanning the room like secret agents on a mission. Tonight was the night for their plan to work — or so they hoped. They had each identified the perfect candidates to set up with their parents and were ready to put their plan into action.

"Okay, so here's the deal," Emma whispered, leaning in close so no one would overhear. "You see that guy over there?" She nodded discreetly toward a tall, muscular man in his late 30s with a salt-and-pepper beard, who was standing near the punch bowl, talking to a group of parents. "That's Mark. He's single, works in marketing, and he's charming — you know, that annoying type that adults find irresistible."

Liam smirked. "And he's your target for my mom?"

Emma nodded, a gleam of determination in her eyes. "Exactly. And you?"

Liam tilted his head toward a woman by the bleachers. She had shoulder-length dark hair, a confident smile, and was wearing a fashionable leather jacket. "That's Hannah. She's a personal trainer and, rumor has it, looking for someone who can keep up with her active lifestyle. Perfect for your dad."

Emma shot him a skeptical look. "A personal trainer? Really? You think she's his type?"

"Trust me," Liam replied, his grin widening. "Your dad will love her. She's got that whole tough-but-sweet vibe going on. Now, let's split up and work our magic."

They exchanged a nod of agreement, then each moved toward their respective targets. It was game time.

Emma's Side of the Plan

Emma approached Mark, putting on her most charming smile. "Hey, Mark, right? I'm Emma. I think our parents might have talked at one of those PTA meetings." She wasn't sure about that, but it sounded plausible.

Mark turned to her, surprised but friendly. "Hey, Emma! Yeah, I think I remember. How's it going?"

"Good, good," she replied, feigning casual interest. "So, I couldn't help but notice you're flying solo tonight. No date?"

Mark chuckled. "Nope, just me. I'm not really in the dating scene much these days. Focused on work and all that."

Emma's smile widened. "Well, you know, sometimes the best things happen when you're not looking. Speaking of which, you see that woman over there by the photo booth?" She pointed subtly to Taylor, who was laughing with another parent, her eyes sparkling under the dim gym lights. "That's my friend's mom, Taylor. She's really great — an elementary school teacher, actually. Super sweet and, I think, just your type."

Mark glanced over at Taylor and nodded appreciatively. "She's pretty. Maybe I'll introduce myself."

"Perfect," Emma said, trying to keep the excitement out of her voice. "I'll tell her to keep an eye out for you."

Feeling accomplished, Emma turned away, a satisfied grin spreading across her face. Step one: complete.

Liam's Side of the Plan

Meanwhile, Liam was working his angle with Hannah. "Hey, you're Hannah, right? I'm Liam."

Hannah looked down at him, surprised. "Yeah, that's me. How do you know my name?"

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