04 - unintended consequences

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Later that afternoon, the consequences of their plan began to unfold. Taylor and Travis had agreed to meet up for coffee at a small café near the park. What was meant to be a pleasant, low-pressure chat quickly took a different turn.

Taylor sat down first, her expression already a bit guarded. When Travis arrived, he noticed the tension immediately. "Hey, Taylor," he said, trying to sound cheerful. "How's it going?"

"Fine," Taylor replied, a little too curtly. She stirred her coffee with unnecessary vigor. "So, I heard you think I'm a horrible mother?"

Travis blinked, caught off guard. "What? Who said that?"

"Liam mentioned it. Apparently, you've got some opinions about my parenting style."

Travis's face darkened slightly. "Funny, because Emma told me you think I'm overconfident. About my cooking, of all things."

Taylor's brows knit together. "I never said that. Where's this even coming from?"

A heavy silence settled between them, each trying to piece together what was happening. The warmth from the previous night seemed to dissipate, replaced by a wary suspicion.

"Maybe we're being played here," Travis suggested cautiously.

Taylor's lips pressed into a thin line. "It wouldn't surprise me. Those two are up to something."

They exchanged a look — one that wasn't hostile but rather a shared understanding that perhaps their kids were more involved than they'd realized.

"Well," Taylor said, her tone softening a bit, "maybe we should call a truce and figure this out together. It's clear Emma and Liam are scheming."

Travis chuckled. "A truce it is. But let's not make it too easy for them. I say we play along for a bit and see what they do next."

Taylor smiled, a glint of amusement in her eyes. "Agreed. Let's see how far they're willing to go."

That evening, Emma and Liam met up again at the park, sitting on the same bench under the fading light. They were both eager to share their updates.

"So, I think it worked," Emma said, her excitement barely contained. "Dad was totally off-kilter after I told him."

"Same with my mom," Liam added, leaning in. "She was definitely annoyed. They were supposed to meet up for coffee today. Wonder how that went."

Emma smirked. "Probably terrible. I'm guessing they're not as into each other now."

Liam laughed, the sound easing some of the tension between them. "Mission accomplished?"

"Mission accomplished... for now," Emma replied, but there was a note of uncertainty in her voice. She glanced at Liam, and their eyes met again, holding for a moment longer than necessary.

Liam felt something stir inside him, something that wasn't just about their plan. It was about Emma. He could see her differently now — not just as his partner in crime, but someone who made his heart beat a little faster, someone who understood him in a way he hadn't expected.

"Hey, um, thanks for doing this with me," Liam said quietly, his usual confidence faltering. "I didn't think... I mean, it's been kinda fun, right?"

Emma's cheeks warmed. "Yeah, it has. And... I don't know, I feel like we've gotten to know each other better. Not just as... you know, the son of my dad's neighbor."

Liam nodded, his heart pounding in his chest. "Yeah. Me too."

There was a silence between them — not uncomfortable, but loaded with unspoken thoughts and new, confusing feelings. Emma suddenly felt nervous in a way she hadn't before. She was realizing that maybe — just maybe — Liam was more than just a co-conspirator.

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