08 - truth or dare

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The sun had barely crested the horizon when Taylor and Travis set off on their unexpected trip together. The destination was a lakeside cabin a couple of hours away, a quiet, neutral place where they could talk without distractions. It wasn't luxurious by any means, but it was secluded and offered them the privacy they needed to finally clear the air.

The drive there was filled with awkward silence, broken only by the occasional small talk. Both of them were too aware of the tension between them, the unresolved emotions simmering just beneath the surface.

When they arrived, the cabin was even more quaint than they'd imagined. It was nestled amongst towering pine trees, with a small dock extending out into the calm, clear water of the lake. It was the kind of place that seemed to belong to another time—a place where you could escape and forget the world outside.

Travis glanced at Taylor as they unloaded their bags from the car. "You know, if I didn't know better, I'd think this place was from some cheesy rom-com," he said with a smirk.

Taylor rolled her eyes but couldn't help the small smile that crept onto her face. "Let's just hope we don't end up in some sort of horror movie scenario out here."

Travis chuckled. "Fair enough."

They made their way inside, and while the cabin was simple, it was cozy. A small living room with a stone fireplace, a kitchen that seemed just the right size for two people, and two small bedrooms on either side of the main living area. It was intimate without being overbearing, a perfect setting for their uneasy truce.

After they settled in, Travis suggested they take a walk around the lake to stretch their legs. Taylor agreed, feeling like the fresh air might help clear her head. They walked in silence for a while, the crunch of leaves underfoot and the distant call of birds the only sounds between them.

Eventually, Travis broke the silence. "You know, this whole trip idea... I didn't think it was going to be a good idea at first."

Taylor glanced at him, her expression cautious. "And now?"

"Now I'm not so sure," he admitted. "But I guess it's worth a shot."

Taylor nodded, taking in the peaceful surroundings. "I've been thinking the same thing. I mean, we've spent so much time dancing around this... whatever this is."

"Yeah," Travis agreed. "Maybe it's time to stop dancing and just talk."

They continued to walk, gradually opening up about the past—their regrets, the things they wished they'd done differently. It wasn't easy, but for the first time in a long time, they were honest with each other. They talked about the misunderstandings that led to their falling out, and about the hurt that lingered long after.

As the sun began to set, they found themselves back at the cabin, feeling lighter somehow, as if they'd shed some of the weight that had been holding them down for so long.

That evening, after dinner, they sat outside on the porch, watching the stars appear one by one in the darkening sky. Travis brought out a bottle of wine he'd found in the cabin's small pantry, and they shared it, the warmth of the alcohol loosening their tongues even further.

"You know," Taylor said, her voice soft as she gazed up at the stars, "I never imagined us being here like this. After everything."

"Neither did I," Travis admitted. "But I'm glad we are."

There was a comfortable silence, and then Taylor surprised herself by reaching out, placing her hand over his. "I've missed you, you know," she said quietly.

Travis looked at her, his eyes softening. "I've missed you too, Taylor."

For a moment, the world seemed to stand still. The tension that had been between them for so long seemed to melt away, replaced by something warmer, something softer. It was as if the universe had been waiting for them to finally see each other again—really see each other.

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