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Tw: mentions of sh.
Dee woke up and checked the clock.
"2 am." He sighed. He then remembered how sad sid seemed when he told him about Monique. Dee didn't want to have to date her. He knew about Sids crush on him but was too scared to tell him that he liked him. Dee then pulled up his sleeve and looked at the scars. He had done it when things were getting hard. He knew sid might not like him if he found out about it, but Dee decided to at least try to tell him.
He dialed Sid's phone number and waited for him to pick up.
"Dee, it's two in the morning... can this wait until tomorrow?" Sid said.
"Not really." Dee responded.
"What do you need, then?" Sid said.
Dee opened his mouth and then closed it. What if sid had lost feelings after he started dating monique?
"Sid.. I know this is going to spund stupid, but I really like you." Dee said.

Sid's heart jumped.
"Really? F-for how long?"
"I don't know - I guess it started when we first met. You helped me out after I broke my finger during training and did a lot of nice things for me.. I guess that just flipped a switch," (Yes I'm making it cannon that dee broke his finger 😋) Dee said. "..when did yours start?'
Sid blushed. He didn't know that dee cherished those memories that much.
"You were kind to me when others weren't and I was happy to find someone who was just as obsessed with baseball that I was." Sid admitted.
"Sid, there's no one as obsessed with baseball as you. You're on a whole other level!" Dee joked.
Sid laughed and checked the time.
"It's almost three a.m. already? We should sleep." Sid said.
"Oh, yeah! Goodnight! Love you!" Dee said.
"Love you too." Sid said, hanging up the phone.

(322 words. I didn't mean it to be thing long lol)

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