random sid x dee thing

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(Help I can't stop thinking about this ship)

*Sid and Dee are visiting Sid's parents for Thanksgiving.*
'I'm kind of nervous to meet your parents.." dee said, fidgeting with the sleeve of his sweater.
"It's fine. Their the nicest people ever, I swear." Sid said, grabbing Dee's hand and squeezing it while smiling reassuringly.
"Hi, mom! Hi, dad!" Sid said.
Sid's mom ram over and hugged him.
"Sid! We've missed you so much!" She loosened her grip on Sid and turned to Dee.
"And you must be Dee!" Sids mom said, smiling.  "Sid has been talking nonstop about you in his letters. I think he might like you." His mother said teasingly.
"Mooom!" Sid said, blushing.
"OK, fine. I'll stop," Sids mom said. "Now, where is your father?" She sighed and  walked up the stairs.
"Your mom is really nice." Dee said.
"See? There's nothing yo worry about." Sid responded, giving dee a quick kiss on  the head.
"I finally got your sister and your father to come downstairs," Sid's mom said. "This is Julia. Julia, say hi." She nudged forward a girl who didn't look older than eleven years old. She was wearing a red short sleeve dress with black Mary Janes.
"Your forehead is big." Julia said, shaking Dee's hand.
"JULIA! what did I say about being rude to guests!?" Sids father said. "Sorry about that. Julia tends to share her unfiltered thoughts sometimes."
"It's fine." Dee said, shaking Sid's Fathers hand.
"Dinners going to take a while longer to cook. Sid, how about you show dee around?" Sids mother said, checking the timer on the oven.
Sid took Dee's hand and practically dragged him to his room. "You have a really nice room." Dee said.
"Yeah, but you know what's even better?" Sid said.
"What?" Dee asked.
Sid opened the window and climbed up onto the roof.
"We have some time before dinner- why not hang out here?" Sid said.
Dee crawled up onto the roof and sat next to Sid. He put his head on Sid's shoulder. They sat peacefully watching the sunset, holding hands and occasionally talking a bit.
"I love you." Dee said.
"Love you too." Sid said, wrapping his arm around Dee's waist.
"Its time for dinner, you two!" Sids mother yelled from the ground.
"Comming!" Sid said, slipping his arm out from Dee's waist. Dee quickly followed.

They walked into the dining room and sat down.
"What were you doing on the roof?" Sids father asked.
"We were just hanging out." Sid said, cutting a piece of turkey.
"SID SAID I LOVE YOU TO DEE!" Julia blurted out.
Sid froze. Dee slowly turned his head to look at Julia.
"How do you know that?" Dee said.
"I was spying!" Julia said, looking proud of herself.
"Oooh, Sid finally found someone he likes!" Sids mother said.
"Me and your mother support you, sid." His father added.
"OK, fine. I've been dating dee for like three months. I don't know how you haven't caught on yet." Sid said.
"This is so awkward." Dee muttered.
"Uncle dee, will you pass me the green beans?" Julia asked.
(530 words.I actually have no idea how to end this. Also, I'm sorry that I ghosted everyone for a billion years. I was busy with School and kept forgetting to update  my stories.)

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