sam x james chapter ig.

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(I don't really know what to do so I just got out one of the ships that makes the most sense.)
(After the war au)
Sam Tremblay was cleaning out his closet when he saw a box inside. He didn't remember what it was, so he decided to have a look.
"No way." Sam said, excited. Inside the box was a pile of letters that James sent him. He took one out and opened it.
Dear sam,
Everything has been hectic lately. My little brother broke his leg trying to climb a tree, and school hasn't been the best. Marvin is teasing me again, and I just don't know why. Do you have any ideas on how to make him stop? By the way, I might be able to visit soon.
-James McKay
Sam remembered the time James had visited like it was yesterday. They had decided to go on a walk along the river near Sam's house. It was autumn and leaves had just started changing colors.
"It's so pretty out here." James said.
"Yeah," Sam said. "Not as pretty as you, though,"
James blushed and turned away.
Sam leaned in and whispered in his ear. "It's the truuuuth!"
James playfully pushed him away and laughed. Sam's expression turned serious.
"Seriously, you're really pretty." Sam Said.
James smiled at him. "You're pretty too." He said.
"So... we... like each other?" Sam said.
"I guess." James said.
They then shared an awkward kiss under a big oak tree.
James tapping on his shoulder brought Sam back to the present.
"Looks like you found all these old letters." James said, sitting down next to him to read them.
As they looked through the letters and reminisced, they remembered just how important they were to each other's lives.

(298 words)

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