Davies x Thomas (part 1?)

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(Thomas pov)
I groaned as I sat down in the tank. Today was another test drive, aka THE MOST BLOODY BORING THING TO EVER EXIST. I looked over at Bill Richards, who was cheery as always.
"All right, chaps! Are you all ready?" He asked, smiling.
"Yeah, sure." I whispered to myself.
I looked over at George Davies, one of the only normal people here. He was annoying sometimes, though. He  bragged about how rich he was and how better he was than all of us. We talked sometimes, but it was mostly about things like the weather or if we needed help with anything.
"Owens-Cook! Davies! I want you two to fill up the oil." Lutenient Lewis yelled, snapping me out of my trance.
"Why us?" I asked.
"Because you always fight. I bet that this will be a good bonding experience for both of you." He said, packing more tobacco into his pipe.
Davies rolled his eyes, but I saw him smiling a bit as he got up.
We walked out of the tank, the chilly December nipping at my nose.
"Thomas, did you seriously not bring your coat?" Davies said.
"I forgot it.." I said, embarrassed.
"H-Here, just take mine." Davies muttered, handing his coat to me while blushing.
"Oh.. thanks." I said.
(After filling the oil bc I have no idea how that stuff works)
We climbed back into the tank and sat down.
"OK, let's drive!" Bill said.
(Davies pov)
*Another time skip???????? Wow this is so lazy*
I looked over at Thomas. We were done with training for the day, and he was reading a book while i rested. The room was eerily quiet until Thomas yawned.
"Yeah, it must be tiring being that pretty." I said.
"Then you must be exaughsted." Thomas said, looking straight into my eyes.
"You sly dog." I said, laughing a bit. (BUT LITTLE DOES SHE KNOW IM A NASTY DOG)
"You flirted first." Thomas said, putting his book down and moving closer.
"And you flirted back." I said.
"Touché." He said with a cheeky grin.
"Thomas!" Bill yelled from the distance.
"Oh. See you later, pretty boy." Thomas said, running away.
"Cute." I muttered to myself.
(370 words. Sorry guys, middle school was middle schooling again and I was busy so it took longer to get this out.) 

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