Chapter VI - A Night of Unfinished Business

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The invitation to the party from Hyun Ju felt like a twist of fate. It was the same gathering where I first met Siyeon, and though we'd grown closer since then, we hadn't crossed the line into an official relationship yet. 

My heart raced as we walked into the venue together, but I kept reminding myself that we were still just friends, for now anyway.

The atmosphere was lively, just like that first night—familiar faces, vibrant music, and the subtle tension of possibility hanging in the air. We mingled with the crowd, sharing laughs and stealing glances at each other, the unspoken attraction between us growing with every passing moment.

Then, as we were enjoying a quiet moment in the corner, I noticed Siyeon stiffen. Her smile faltered, and her eyes narrowed as she spotted someone approaching us. A short girl with an air of arrogance and obnoxiousness, who seemed all too familiar to her.

"Who's... that?" I asked, sensing her discomfort.

"Seomin," she muttered, almost under her breath. "Someone I used to... kind-of-date. Let's just say it didn't end well."

Before I could process what she meant, this Seomin was standing in front of us, ignoring me entirely. Her eyes were locked on Siyeon, a smirk playing on her lips. "Siyeon-unnie!" she drawled, "oh my god, you're looking as gorgeous as ever, Singie-nim~ Remember when we used to come to these parties together?" Singie? that was my nickname for her!

Siyeon's face remained neutral, but I could see the tension in her posture. "Hey Seomin.." Siyeon sighed. "I'm here with friends so... let's not do this please.."

But Seomin wasn't listening. She took one step closer, her voice dropping into something that was supposed to be charming but came off as sleazy. "Come onn~ we had something special once. Don't tell me you've forgotten sunbae-nim.." 

Seomin took another step forward, almost cornering Siyeon. I couldn't stand by and watch her make my friend uncomfortable. And before I knew it, I was stepping in between them. "Hey, she said no," I said firmly, my voice louder than I intended. "So... back off."

Seomin finally turned her attention to me, her expression darkening. "Who do you think you are?" she spat, with a degrading tone.

"Someone who won't let you treat her like that," I shot back, my heart pounding in my chest. "Seriously, leave her alone, or you'll regret it."

For a moment, the tension between us was electric, like a coiled spring ready to snap. Seomin stared at me, clenching her teeth, clearly deciding whether I was worth the trouble. Then, with a sneer, she backed away, muttering something under her breath before turning and disappearing into the crowd, being her extremely obnoxious self again.

I turned to Siyeon, who looked both relieved and shaken. Her eyes met mine, and for a split second, I saw something vulnerable, something that made my protective instinct flare up even more.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry... I had to step forward." I asked, my voice softer now.

Siyeon nodded, but she didn't pull away when I placed a hand on her shoulder. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice shaky. "I didn't expect her to be here... or for you to stand up for me like that. Seomin just gets very clingy, that's her nature.. She was never going to hurt me."

Before I could respond, she stepped closer, her hand resting on my forearm. The tension between us shifted, becoming something warmer, more intimate. And then, without warning, she leaned in and kissed me. 

She.. Lee Siyeon.. kissed me.

The kiss was brief, almost tentative, but it sent a shockwave through my entire body. My heart pounded as I kissed her back, savoring the moment that I'd been secretly hoping for. I was about to deepen the kiss until she pulled away, we both stood there, slightly breathless, staring at each other in surprise.

"Siyeon, I—" I began, but she cut me off with a small smile, her cheeks flushed.

"I'm sorry, I just... I've wanted to do that for a while," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Don't apologize," I interrupted, my hand still lingering on her waist. "I'm glad you finally did.."

We stood there in the dimly lit corner, the party continuing around us as if nothing had happened. But everything had changed. The kiss had been a turning point, a signal that whatever was between us was about to become something much more.

As the night continued, we stayed close, a new level of comfort and connection settling between us. The kiss had broken down the last of the barriers between us, paving the way for what was to come.

When the party finally wound down, we left together, walking out into the cool night air side by side. The kiss hung in the air between us, unspoken but powerful, as we headed towards an uncertain but exciting future.

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