Chapter IX - The Tables Turn

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The tension in the air was palpable as I walked into that same tiny café where I'd agreed to meet Seomin. The same place where she'd tried to break me before, but this time, I was ready. My heart pounded in my chest, but it wasn't fear—this time, it was determination.

Seomin was already there, sitting in the same spot, her usual smug expression firmly in place. As I approached, she leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms with a confident smirk.

"So, what's this big revelation, Jiwon-nim~?" she sneered, clearly not taking me seriously.

I sat down across from her, keeping my expression neutral. "You like to think you're in control, don't you, Seomin? But we both know that control is just an illusion. You've spent years perfecting the art of manipulation, but it only works if your target is too scared to fight back."

She laughed, but there was a hint of unease in her eyes. "Big words. But I don't see how you're going to back them up~"

I took a deep breath, steeling myself for what I was about to reveal. "You know, I did some digging. Turns out, you weren't always the untouchable girl you pretend to be. Remember high school? There was that incident—pretty messy, wasn't it?"

Seomin's smirk faltered, her eyes narrowing. "What are you talking about, douchebag?"

I could tell she was trying to play it off, but the crack in her facade was there. "You know exactly what I'm talking about. That scandal that got you expelled. You thought it was all buried, but nothing ever really stays hidden, does it?"

her expression darkened. "You're bluffing."

"Am I?" I pulled out my phone and tapped the screen, bringing up the information I'd managed to uncover. It turned out one of Seomin's professors at the time had an affair with her. A respected, married woman, with kids, managed to fall into Seomin's trap. It wasn't long before both Seomin and her professor were caught and therefore, expelled. Seomin then moved to the south, escaping all the bullying and harassment.

It wasn't easy getting that kind of leverage, but persistence had paid off. "I have the names, the statements, everything. You tried hiding this, didn't you?" I let out a chuckle.

"If this gets out, your life and job as you know, over. You won't be able to bully anyone into submission anymore. So, here's what's going to happen—you're going to delete those pictures, and you're going to stay the hell away from Siyeon and me. Otherwise, I'm sending everything to your boss."

For the first time, Seomin looked genuinely unsettled. She stared at me, weighing her options, but I could see the panic rising in her eyes. The control she'd held so tightly was slipping away, and she knew it.

"Yeah right, you wouldn't dare." she hissed, but the bravado was gone.

"Try me," I replied, my voice steady. "Because if you push me, I will. And believe me, I have nothing left to lose."

There was a long, tense silence as Seomin considered her options. Finally, with a snarl of frustration, she pulled out her own phone and tapped furiously at the screen.

"There," she spat. "Deleted. Happy now, asshole?"

I watched her closely, ensuring she wasn't trying to pull something. When I was satisfied, I leaned back in my chair, relief flooding through me. "If you ever come near us again, or near anyone, I won't hesitate to ruin you. This is your only warning, Seomin."

She glared at me, but she knew she'd been defeated. Without another word, she stood up and stormed out of the café, leaving me alone with the weight of what I'd just done. The battle was over, but the war wasn't quite won yet.

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