The Father

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MICHAEL: Hey Noah, I'm thrilled to hear that you're coming here! Are you moving here permanently? I assume you're leaving because of what happened in New York. If you're not moving, I think you should consider it. It would be great if you lived here.
Love Michael (Excited and concerned)

Michael leaves (exits stage right) to hand his mom the letter to send out. But she never does. (lights go down on Michael's side and up on Noah's side) Noah paced back and forth on the boat, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. He couldn't shake the question of why he hadn't heard from Michael yet, but he held onto his faith that he would receive a message soon. Unable to contain his restlessness, he finally sat down and began to write another letter.

NOAH: Hey Mike, I hope you're doing well. I'm looking forward to getting a letter from you. I miss you a lot and I can't wait to see you every day. I've been doing fine, and I hope you're doing well too. I know it's only been a few weeks since the funeral, and I can't imagine how hard it must be for you and your family after your father's passing. I know this might not be the best time to bring it up, but I really want to be there for you.

He holds the letter in his hands, the weight of his emotions pressing down on him. His gaze lingers on the carefully written words, his thoughts torn between sending the letter and holding back. An almost imperceptible smile tugs at the corners of his lips as he reminisces about Michael's distinct way of signing off his letters with "love Michael." That simple yet profound expression of affection has always held a special place in his heart. With a deep breath, he reaches for his pencil, feeling the weight of his decision as he carefully signs the letter.

NOAH: Love Noah

He gives it to the mail boat, (lights go down on Noah's side and up on Michael's) Once the letter arrives at Michael's place, his mom intercepts it and tears it up before heading to Michael's room. Interestingly, his door was already open when she entered.

MICHAEL: Hey, did I get a letter from Noah? (Hopeful)

He says smiling, his mom looks down and shakes her head.

MICHAELS MOM: no, I'm sorry honey. (Fake sad)

MICHAEL: It's fine, it wasn't your fault. (Upset)

MICHAELS MOM: Hey, cheer up. It will be ok, I love you. (Happy)

She smiles at him and he smiles softly back at her.

MICHAEL: I know, mom. I love you too. (Slightly content)

She exits the room, leaving him to try and reach out to Noah again.

MICHAEL: Hey, Noah, I don't know why I haven't gotten a letter from you yet...

He hesitates for a moment, pondering if the opening sentence is appropriate for this letter. After some consideration, he decides to erase it and begins writing a new opening.

MICHAEL: Hey, Noah, I guess it takes longer for your letters to get here from the boat than I expected. I was hoping to get more letters out to you than just this one. I have so much I want to say, but I don't want to put too much pressure on my mom. She's been through a lot lately, and I know what you're going to say. "you're going through a lot too" and you're right, I am but we only have each other now. She relies on me as much as I rely on her and I also have you. She only had me and Dad and now..., now she only has me and I guess a work friend. (Nervous-grieving)

He takes a small break from writing to look at the framed picture on his desk. It's a picture of him and his dad. He smiled at it before turning his attention back to the letter.

MICHAEL: He always told me how important friends and family are. I think that's why he was sad we left to move closer to my mom's side of the family. But he was happy to hear we decided to write letters. Though he would ask why letters instead of texting or calling, I always used to tell him they were more personal. He liked that answer. I write him letters every day now and put them under my bed to remember how happy he was- to know how much we cared about him. He was the best. I still remember when he offered to take you in after the fire, but now you're 16 and own everything. Living on your own must be hard.
Love Michael (Longingly)

His eyes tear up as he reminisces about his dead father. He misses him so much, but life continues so he must continue as well. He wipes his tears and walks out of his room (exits stage right) to give the letter to his mother (lights go down on Michael's side and up on Noah's side) (as Noah's side is happening Micheal's room gets switched for a sitting room)

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