The storm

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NOAH: Mike, I don't know what I did wrong, or if I even did anything wrong, but you're not the type to ignore someone. We both learned that nothing good comes from miscommunication from your dad, so please communicate with me. I only have you. My mom is dead, and my dad was never in the picture, so your family was the closest thing I had to a real family. You're my best friend, and we are all hurting right now. I'm scared, I'm so scared. Between my mom burning, your dad's death, and the New York incident, I don't know how much longer we have. (worried) (Lightning and thunder can be seen and heard as he feels the boat rock forcefully) It seems we've hit a storm. Wish me luck, or I might not make it there.
From Noah (Nervous)

As he handed the letter to the mailman, the announcement rang out that a storm was imminent, and the mail boat would be unable to make another trip to the mainland until the weather had cleared. Noah felt a wave of fear wash over him as he curled up on the floor of the boat. Memories of his mother's comforting words flooded back to him, and he found himself repeating the same phrases she used to use to soothe him in times of distress.

NOAH: it will be ok, I'm here there's nothing to worry about. We are strong so we will be fine. (calmly) (as he says that the boat starts to rock even harder than before he closes his eyes and braces for impact just in case. He continues) You are my little brave knight. Just because you're scared now doesn't mean you are not brave. The fact that you are still here surviving makes you brave. (tens/scaredly)

He could imagine her voice so clearly as though she was guiding him through this feeling. He smiled as he stopped tensing up. Through the thought of her voice and words as well as the hope he would see Michael soon, he somehow fell asleep. (the lights go down on Noah's side and up on Michael's side)

MICHEALS MOM: (standing in Michael's doorway) Hey Micheal (cation)

MICHEAL: What's wrong? (concerned)

MICHEALS MOM: the news just said there is a storm not too far from the coast that all boats
coming our way from America are hitting right now (concerned)

Michael's eyes fill with tears, but he bites his lip to hold them back. He grabs a pen and paper and starts to write another heartfelt letter to Noah, hoping that Noah will receive it in time. As he's writing, Michael feels a warm embrace from behind and realizes that his mother is giving him a gentle hug for comfort before she leaves the room.

MICHAEL: (quietly) please be ok

He closes his eyes (the lights go out on Michael's side as the lights on Noah's side come on)
Noah wakes up

NOAH: groans I wonder how long I slept? (An announcement goes off saying they are almost out of the storm) I should write another letter (sleepy)

He gets up grabs his pen and a piece of paper and starts writing

NOAH: Hey I'm almost out of the storm. It will be so good to finally see you once I'm out. I'm just realizing I will be able to hand this to you in person... (He wonders if he should even write this letter but decides to continue as a way to straighten out his thoughts) I can't wait to hear your voice. I've been missing you so much since I haven't heard from you in a while. I hope you'll be happy to see me again as well. I do wonder if when we are together again will we continue this letter tradition. My mom and I am sure your dad would love to have known that we are reuniting still as good friends.
From Noah(longingly)

He folds up the paper and puts it in an envelope, then stamps it close with a wax stamp. (Lights go down on Noah's side and up on Michael's side)
Michael finishes his letter and goes to his door but stops before leaving his room because he hears his mom talking on the phone with her friend.

MICHAELS MOM: I just don't want to deal with it, but I don't want something bad happening. (She pauses) Michael is holding it together well... (stressed)

(He walks away from the door and can no longer hear her) He decides not to bother her by
handing her the letter. He puts the letter under his pillow.

MICHAEL: I wonder what she doesn't want to deal with? I hope I can help her with it. (Worried)

(Noah's boat docks on the mainland) (lights come on Noah's side) (it looks like a hallway) The sound of his knuckles hitting against the door echoed through the hallway, permeating the muffled sounds of his mother's distressed pleas as she tried to dissuade him from disturbing Michael.

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