The end

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As they gingerly opened the envelopes, anticipation hung in the air. The words written inside were a balm to their weary souls, but the tears still fell. They embraced each other one last time, finding solace in each other's presence. The mother's sorrow gave way to a bittersweet smile as she realized that Noah wasn't stealing her son away; rather, he was the support her son needed to find happiness. Her friend was right and now Stepping toward the boys, she placed a reassuring hand on each of their backs, and as they looked up at her, a glimmer of hope shone in their eyes and she knew everything would be alright and her that her husband would be proud.

MICHAELS MOM: Who wants sandwiches?

the three of them giggle a bit as the boys stop hugging, wipe the tears from their eyes, and raise their hand

MICHAELS MOM: Then come on I'll make some PB&J's or turkey?

Noah and Michael exchange a look and then say

NOAH & MICHAEL: turkey please

Micheal's mother gets a call from her friend

MICHEALS MOTHER: hello...... yes he just arrived....... yes you were right...................thank you for everything truly............... you should come over tomorrow if you're free........... you are amazing but I do have to go talk later..... Bye...

She hangs up the phone and looks at the boys

MICHEAL'S MOTHER: well sorry about that delay but now let's have some sandwiches

They walk off stage left

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