Two Suitors

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Once I got back I took a shower so I could get ready for tonight. Gao and Leo came and got me about 7 to head to the bar. Gao said that they will meet everyone there, hopefully this will get my mind off of things that have occurred in the past two weeks. They finally reached the club and headed towards the table when Noh and Boom came up to them.

"Oh hi Boom and Noh, what are you doing here?" asked Kai.

"We heard that Jack was playing, so we decided to come and listen," said Noh.

Boom looked at Kai. "Don't worry, Sun and Kane went to another place."

Kai nodded but had a feeling that he would see both before the night was over. Ping and his sister finally arrived with two other people who he didn't know.

"Kai, this is Jack, Fah's boyfriend and this is Oat and Jen, they came to listen to music too." said Ping. The place was very busy and loud, actually kind of fun. Ping sat next to me and we were singing along with Jack's band. I think within a few hours half the table was drunk or feeling pretty good. I had a buzz on since I am not used to drinking, but Ping was feeling pretty good. By the end of the night we decided to leave, Sai and Jack walked us back to the dorms and I brought Ping to my room since Gao and Leo went back home for the weekend and they took the keys with them. I managed to sit him on the couch, and didn't realize how heavy a person can be when they are asleep.

Not sure what to do next, I got a bowl and towel to wipe him down. After that was done, I placed a blanket on him. I went and got cleaned up and when I came back out, Ping was sitting up with his hands on his head. I went and got him some medicine and water to drink.

"Ping here is some medicine for your headache, drink some water and then you can get a shower afterwards." Kai handed him the medicine.

Ping took the medicine. "Thank you, sorry for causing trouble."

Kai smiled. "It is no problem."

We sat on the couch talking, but something felt weird, like I wanted to kiss him. I shook my head trying to get that thought out of my head, I can't do that. We are just friends getting to know each other, because we agreed to take things slowly. Ping looked at me and he brought his hand up to my face as he leaned into mine. The kiss was soft and inviting, I felt myself responding to it. We stopped and looked at each other, without saying a word.

I mustered up the courage to say. "Um, I am sorry that I am not good."

Ping smiled. "To be honest I was afraid that you would back away or slap me."

I smiled at him. " I am okay, I would have pushed you away if I didn't."

"I won't rush you into anything either, I know this is a little fast but would you consider dating me or we can take things slower, like hanging out more." Ping touching my hand.

"The second option with the first option in the works." Kai said with a smile as he kissed Ping's cheek and ran to his bed. Ping walked over to the bed and climbed in and they both went to sleep.

Kai got up early to go get breakfast while Ping was still asleep, so when he woke there was food. Kai went and took a shower while he was still sleeping, but when he was done, Ping was awake and eating the congee.

"How are you feeling?"

"Okay, just a headache still. Nothing happened last night, right?"

"No, we just talked."
Ping smiled. "The last thing I remember is kissing you, if I crossed the line I am sorry."

"Actually you didn't finish your congee so you can get a shower. Since we have no class today I thought we could hang out together."

Big smile on his face said it all. Kai thought of the kiss and it felt right and natural, he wondered if Ping thought of the same as he did. Kai handed him a towel and extra clothes since he didn't have any. Ping got his shower, while Kai talked to his mom about school and friends.

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