A Big Mess

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"Damn, Kane he can mess things up for everyone, why do I bother."

Thought Noh as he watched them leave.

Noh shook his head as the two left, knowing that this was going to be difficult for Kai and for anyone who dates him. As he was getting ready to leave, he saw Boom and the rest of the gang. Trying to figure out what to do when they get closer, he doesn't want to say anything about Kai and Ping to them, so he is just going to keep quiet. As the group approached Noh, Boom realized that there were 3 cups of coffee at the table where Noh sat.

"Kind of thirsty Noh?" Boom was laughing .

With a shocked look, Noh said. "I met some friends from school and they forgot to throw out the cups."

Kane wasn't sure if he believed him or not but he didn't want to start a fight with anyone, especially here. Sam talked everyone into seeing a movie and had something to eat afterwards. Kane wasn't sure if he wanted to go but he decided to go anyway. Noh didn't want to start an argument so he kept quiet but Boom wouldn't let go.

"Who did you really meet with?"

"I met up with Ping and Kai. I think Kai and Ping are dating but I am not 100% sure if they are. Sun is getting angry and Kai is becoming irritated with all of this. Kane, you have created a big mess."

"I am sorry but I am not sure myself. I don't know if it is an infatuation or I really want to be with him."

After eating, Kane and Noh left and went back to their dorm.

"Fine but don't do it where you will harm him or anyone who wants to pursue him too. I won't support you if you take it too far and hurt people.'' With that Noh went to his dorm.

Kane stood in the lobby to calm down, but the more he thought about it made him more determined to win Kai's heart, but now that he is dating Ping it might be hard, but he was going to try. He could spread rumors that Ping was seeing someone else while he was seeing Kai, but had to make Kai see that he was the best choice for him and he can take care of him to where Ping can't. Running up the stairs to his room he came to an abrupt stop.

"Sun what are you doing here?"

"I came to see you, and have a little chat."

Sun closed the door behind him and proceeded to punch Kane in the face.

"What the hell was that for?" rubbing his mouth.

"I told you to leave my little brother alone, he made his choice, but thanks to you he is doubting everything. He wants to transfer to another school, his exact words are he wants to move to the US to study and be away from everyone."

Not knowing what to say to that, Kane said. "Why are you blaming me, ok ok , I get it I didn't help but I do like your brother. He made his choice to date Ping, but that won't stop me."

"You didn't hear me, he wants to leave Bangkok and move to the US to be away from you and Ping. He is done and my parents will agree to the move. This was his first love and you destroyed it." with that Sun left.

Kane slumped back on the couch and closed his eyes to think of a way to keep Kai here. Is this a ploy for him to stop pursuing him, or was he really serious about moving abroad? He was going to try to win his heart.

When Ping and Kai got back to the dorm, Kai just went in and took a shower without saying one word to Ping. Ping just sat there in a daze after what Kai said about moving away and to forget everything that has happened in the past month. He was going to confront Kane and set things right. He didn't want to lose him. His last relationship ended badly and he felt so strongly about Kai, that his heart hurts every time he sees Kai struggling.

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