New Friendship

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Where do I begin, my name is Kai Suranthon and I am a first year at Patayo University studying Architecture and my older brother, Sun, is a 4th year Med student at the same University. You would think that parents would be happy, but they wanted doctors in the family, but I can't stand the sight of blood. I always liked to draw and I decided to make a career of it, hopefully they will finally see my passion for it even though they wanted another doctor or even lawyer. I told my parents that I wanted to move in the dorms like my brother and they agreed to let me. At least they will have one doctor since both of my parents are doctors but I am happy with my decision.

The only thing that was embarrassing was having movers move my things into my dorm. I went into the building really fast so no one would see me, I hate it when people find out that I come from a wealthy family. To some people money is everything, but to me I would rather work for it. The next day is orientation for all new students and I am kind of nervous since I don't know anyone but there was one person that caught my eye.

The dreaded day came, orientation, so far it went well, but I hated one part of this and it was we had to introduce ourselves to the class. When my turn came I felt so nervous, but made it through. We were dismissed for lunch and I couldn't be more happy. I headed towards the canteen to get my lunch and hopefully sit by myself, couldn't be more wrong. My brother showed up with his friends.

"Why are you here?" I asked him.

He smiled.

"I came to see how everything went so far. Can't I do that."

I shrugged my shoulders and went back to eating my lunch since we don't really see eye to eye on some things.

"Alright, I will leave you to eat, but when it is over make sure you are back before dark." With that he left. As I watched him leave, I noticed a fellow student named Ping and his friends come and sit down at a table next to mine. I continued to finish eating and started to head back to my last class of the day, when I was stopped by Kane, my brother's Sun friend.

"Kai, do you want to hang out after your last class?" asked Kane.

Kai was startled by his question.

"I guess, but I have to be back by 9."

Not sure why he is asking, he never did before. Kane always was around my brother and he always picked on me and teased me. Maybe it is nothing and he is bored being with my brother and their friends.

Kane smiled and left.

"Okay, I will pick you up at your faculty when you are done."

I noticed that I was being watched by Ping and his friends, but it didn't bother me so I left to go back to the room that they had us in. I found a place to sit while I wait for the others to show up in the class. I got up to do something and bumped into Ping.

"I am such a klutz, I am so sorry."

I helped him up, still feeling embarrassed. He smiled and told me it was fine and we both sat down by each other. But I had a hard time concentrating on class because I kept thinking why Kane wanted to hang out with me. He is always with my brother. Class ended and I headed over to the library to get some books, so I can work on my project. Between math and other subjects, I am not going to have time for anything else. Why did I agree to meet with Kane? Maybe I can cancel, but I don't want to be rude. I got what I needed and went to meet Kane, but I didn't see him, so I decided to wait a few more minutes and then I was heading back to my dorm to study. I waited as long as I could, I promised my brother I would be back in my dorm before dark, I left. Just as I reached my dorm, my phone rang.

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