Chapter 2

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??? P.O.V

I saw her. 

The one who can't be seen or caught. Shadow but I guess that's not her name. She is being chased not by every pack includin mine The Blood Moon Pack the strongest pack there is. I'm it's alpha. I pace back and forth. Why won't she show herself? He fur it looks black in the shadows but it was white at least that's what it looked like. You probably wanna know my name when it's......

The door opens. My beta Stark comes in smiling like a fool.

"What the hell is up with you dude?"

"Oh nothing I just found my mate!" I smile. "Good for you what's her name?" I sit on my desk.

"Abby" I roll my eyes. "Okay anyway have you found her?" 

"I'm sorry Alpha Dextor but she can't be caught everyone knows that" I growl and slam my hand on the desk cause a loud boom echo through the room. She has been causing trouble and destracting our guards from letting anyone in. I calm down after a few minutes.

"Okay you and Alice can cover the grounds tomorrow for now let's all get some rest" 

"Yes Alpha Dextor" He leaves. I sit down in my chair. Aftere a few minutes my sister comes in.

"Come on Dex you know how mom and dad gets if your late." I roll my eyes. She may be older but I'm alpha. "Yeah yeah I'm coming" I get up and follow her out. 

Justice P.O.V (The Next day)

I start to run again. I howl and keep running. The sun shines through the leaves and branches of the trees. It's peacful. I stop when I hear a sound. I look around. I'm on the wrong grounds. The Blood pack. Then again when am I not on the wrong grounds. These grounds are dangrous. I spot a brown and a black wolf. 

One runs back the other way. I slowly back up. The brown wolf comes closer. I hide. The black wolf comes back with the one I saw from last night. He sniffs the air. I move closer to look at them.

I have to tell you something

Not right now

It's important

Oh please what's more important than trying to escape the most dangorus grounds

One of them is your mate

What the fuck? Nope not happening. I back away. I don't want or need anybody. I made to much noise. Fuck! They chase after me. I run. I  get chased to an opening. One finds away to come a different way. They corner me. I growl. They growl to well except for one. I start to back away. I make a swift turn and run. I lose them and stop. 

God I'm tired. I lay there catching my breathe. 

Hey his wolf is really hot

Are you fuking serious

Hell yeah

Calm down and then shut up

Can we go to them please

Didn't you to shut up

I don't fucking care now answer my question


I end the conversation. I'm not going back there. I'm not rejecting-

You kinda are

Shut up!

Anyway I'm not rejecting my mate I just don't know if it's safe. I have always kept an eye out for trouble and I may not be fully sure but it's trouble. I get up.

So can we go

I'll think about it


I roll my eyes and change. I run to my cabin. I change again, walk in and get dressed. I grab some chips and sit down. You probably wanna know how I get all of this food. Let's just say that I have a "Job". I get money and that's the good thing. I just wonder how my mate thinks about me.

Dextor's P.O.V

Dude I want our mate now

Shut up already

Not gonna happen till we get our mate

You are really being annoying

We have to find her, she's beautiful

 I know now can you please shut up 


I promise that we will find her tomorrow or today depending on how much I want her


I roll my eyes. I really do want to see her. I wonder what she thinks about being my mate. She looks like she wants nothing to do with me. I am most feared but I don't think she's scared of anything or anyone. I wonder what she looks like human....

And without clothes

Shut up!

You were gonna think about it am I wrong?


Oh whatever.

He is really annoying. 

Picture of Dextor at the Top

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