Justice P.O.V
Not possible. . . . . . . . . .
'Soon '
And is signed off in my fathers signature. That's not possible my mom conformed that he was dead. Why would she lie to me? Why do I keep getting lied too!? I drop the letter. I do a double take on my hand. There's a mark on my hand. The symbol of fire. Then a pattern goes up the front of my arm. What is this?
"Yes" I turn and see her.
"What is going on?" I ask her. "Look I'm sorry. You knowing that your father is dead is safer. You getting those marks is something you have to live with"
"Why is it safer to keep me away form my own father! He's my dad!"
"You don't understand Justice there is some much more going on here then you think"
Justice' Mom P.O.V
She has no idea how much is at stake here.
I fear for her safety. She has a war of good and evil inside her. She doesn't know.
"You don't understand Justice there is so much more going on here than you think" I tell her hoping to get through to her.
Her eyes start turning black and her hands are surrounded with black and purple mist. Her evil is coming out. It's not good. "Please calm down Justice you must fight it!" I tell her.
"CALM DOWN!? YOU WANT ME TO CALM DOWN!? I AM CALM!" She throws a sort of ball of black and purple mist at me and I duck. "Now I want you out of here and come back when your ready to tell the truth" She throws another. "I will be back Justice. You must know the truth" She looks me dead into my soul. I sigh and disappear.
Justice P.O.V
I start blinking rapidly. I get my breathing under control and calm down. What is happening to me? I almost killed my mother. I don't know what I'm fully capably of. No one can be around me for now. Not until I gain control. Then there's a knock on my door. I stand up.
I open it. "Harmony? How did you find this place?"
"Oh um, Gregg told me about it. I just wanted to get to know you better" I smile. "Can I come in?" I look back into my house. There are three holes in the wall and the stuff I took from my dad's study is everywhere. "Um just a sec." She nods. I close the door and lock it. I look at the wall and fix it. I get everything and hide it from her. I then go back to the door. "Yeah you can come in. Just have to clean up a bit." She nods. I let her in and we sit down.
"You want something to drink?" I say walking to the kitchen.
"Oh yeah I'll just have some water" I nod and get two bottles of water. I go back to the couch and hand her one. "So what do you wanna know?" I ask.
"Everything" Her eye color is now black with purple flowing into it. Then she starts to harmonize. I feel into a trance and I can't stop talking.
"I'm Justice. I'm the only white wolf and the daughter of the moon goddess. My mother is dead and is the moon goddess. I have different powers. I went to my old home to find something. I found letters, a laptop and a book." I say.
"Where is this stuff?" I start to get a head ache. "I...I... I can't remember." I start to blink rapidly again. "You will remember nothing" I nod. She gets up and leaves closing the door behind here. I shake my head. What the hell just happened?
Where did Harmony go? I thought she came over. I dismiss the thought and get up. I take a shower and turn off all the lights. I then go to bed. I have a pounding headache. I make a promise to stay here until I can control what is going on with me. How am I supposed to control it if I don't know what it is. I turn and face the ceiling. Why did I get stuck with this life?
~~~ One month later ~~~
I have been in this house for one month. I still not sure what I'm capable of. I've been reading that book which I later found out is my farther's dairy. Everything that has happened should have been in there. Nothing in that book tells me about what happened that night. Every time I try to remember I get a pounding headache. I hear walking.
"Justice?" I look out my window. Ellen, Claire, Gregg and Dextor along with Harmony is there walking. "What the fuck?" I hear one of them say.
"Where's the house? It was right here" Ellen says. "I know. This is impossible" Gregg says. I also heard that Harmony took my place in the group for the whole Sammie's performance thing. Which I kinda find fucked up because she's my friend and shouldn't have done that. I don't blame her because I should've been there but I wasn't and they had to find a replacement.
"Do you think she tore it down and moved on?" Dextor says sad. It pains my heart to do this but I don't know what I'm capable of. "No she didn't so calm down" Ellen keeps on walking and then hits the side of the house. "Ow!" She says.
"Are you okay?" Claire ask walking to here. "Yeah but look there's something here" She keeps on pounding on the wall. That pounding is really annoying. "There's something here" She follows the wall and gets to the door. Everyone follows behind her. "You guys seeing this?" They nod.
She starts knocking "Hello? Justice are you here?" I need them out of here. Then the knob starts to jiggle. Then the door opens. "Justice?"
"I need you to leave now" I tell them backing away. "I can't believe that we found you" Claire starts to walk towards me but I back away. "What's wrong?"
"I said I need you to go!" I put my hand up and a big rush of wind comes and throws her out the house along with the others. I look at my hand and starts to kinda burn. I look at the top of my hand and the symbol of air burns there. As do the pattern for it. Just like fire. "Please go" I close the door and look at the drawer and open it. A box of nails open and I force them at the door along with some boards. I lock myself in. No one in and no one out.
"Justice open the door!" I hear shouting telling me to open it. I walk away and up to my room. I get in my bed and take out the dairy. I get to the very end of the book. There are very interesting stuff in here.
It says that he has been talking with these people. He knew things others didn't. He said that people like me and my mom should be here to protect us. That when he found out my mother was the moon goddess that he wouldn't tell any body. Why do I feel like that's not true. Pages of this book is missing and I need to find them. All this diary is saying is that he was protecting us and he have been working with theses people. I don't know who they are but I'm gonna find out.
To be continued.....

Lone Wolf
Hombres LoboJustice is the name she choose but to others the name is Shadow. I think you know why. Her fury so white that if it snowed she would blend in. Although at night she can be heard but not seen. That's the point she doesn't want to be seen by anybody. ...