You guys really deserve this! Over 1.2 K reads!!!!!!!!!! I'M SO FREAKING HAPPY! THANK YOUUU!!
Author's P.O.V
Justice or Akasha walk down to the dungeon. "Open the door!" She demands. The team lifts their heads up and sees Justice walk in. She looks around the boys and girls chained to the wall. He eyes land on Dextor and walks towards him.
Leave him alone! Akasha hears. She stops.
Shut it you! She continues walking over to him. She kneels down and picks his head up so his eyes meets hers. The blood red eyes were losing it's blue strikes. He could tell and he didn't like it. "What's you name again?" He stays quiet. "ANSWER ME!" She shouts. Everyone jumps but him. "Dextor." She eyes him and then his eyes. She quietly gasp "Enkil." He furrows his eyebrow. "What?"
"You do not remember me?" He slowly shakes his head. "I am your queen. Your wife. You really don't remember?" He shakes his head again. She was filled with sadness and anger. She stands up. "Release him." They take the chains off. He falls down.
"Stand up my love. We have work to do." He slowly stands up and then his eyes change from brown the a striking grey. They get to the room and she closes the door. "Justice. Fight her." He says.
"She's gone couldn't you tell." Dextor looks straight into her eyes they are fully red no blue strikes. He shakes his head. "No She's still there." He walks up to her. "Justice I know you can hear me. Come on. Fight her."
"Stop. It's useless! She not-" She gets cut off and gasp. She clenches her heart and then looks back at Dextor. He gasps. "Justice."
"Dextor can you hear me" Her voice comes out of her mouth and her eyes turn blue. "No!" He eyes then flicker back to red and a different voice comes out. She grabs the desk and her thangs come out. "Enkil why are you doing this?"
"I have no idea who your talking about but Justice please come back." He begs. She falls to the floor. "No. Ahh!" She screeches as the two souls fight for the body.
Justice's P.O.V
I'm fighting her. I'm trying so hard trying to push out of this cage. "If I have to go so do you." I feel the pain as she presses a long sharp finger nail against my neck. "This is my body bitch. No way I'm going to hell with you." I try to turn into my wolf. "December!"
"Justice." Suddenly there's a bright light and everything goes black.
Dextor's P.O.V
The nail slights her neck only a little. A scream is let out and She changes into her werewolf form and then falls to the ground. "Justice!" I run to her aid and she changes back into human form. I get a blanket and wrap it around her and then set her on the bed. "What's going on here!!?" They look at me. "Who let you out your chains!!?" A guard came in and told him something and nodded. "Very well" I look at the guard and squinted my eyes. His eyes aren't red. All the vampires eyes are red.
"So what happened to the queen?" I shrug. "She just came out the bathroom and fell asleep in my arms." He nods. "Alright stay here and guard." He leaves and the guard closes the door and takes off the costume. "How did you get out of the chains." He shrugs.
"I don't know but when everyone left they chains heated up and feel off." He says I nod.
"What about everyone else?"
"They are free too. They managed to sneak out and We had to come back and get you guys."
"We? It's only you Gregg."
"No not really." Ellen came in and I hugged her. "Are you okay sis?" She nods. "Yep how about you baby brother." I roll my eyes."Fine."
"Now what happened here?"
"Tell you later. Let's go." I carry Justice bridal style and we try to sneak out only to get caught. "Kill them!" We fed them off but I ended up getting bit. Bet your wondering where Justice was. Well we kinda played keep away. We kill most of them and it turns to morning so they stay inside. We run off with Justice in my arms. She still isn't awake. I sigh. Please be okay.
They drove as quick as possible to the pack. It was night and was raining
I park and walk out. It was vacant. What happened?I go up to my house and set her on my bed. I kiss her head wishing she would just wake up. I run down the steps as I heard a scream. "What is it?" I ask Claire.
"It's a-a-" I look at what she's pointing at.
"Oh my god." We hear a howl and we run outside.
Justice's P.O.V
I turn a little and sit up. I'm back in Dextor's room. Was that all a dream? I feel like throwing up and I do. I rush to the bathroom and throw up blood. I clean out my mouth. I look up and see my eyes lose a red color. So that was real?
Then where's Dex? What's going on!? I hear a howl and run down stairs. I realize that I'm naked and get dressed in shorts and t-shirt. I run outside and hear another howl. I run in the direction it came from. I get to a huge opening, the biggest one ever. Werewolf's are fighting.
What? We don't fight one another. It's not what we do really. I climb on top of a rock and over look everything. "Everybody stop!" I shout but they don't listen. I take a breathe and start to growl. I let out a well needed and loud howl and they all stop and turn.
"Everybody stop!"
"There she is."
"Why are you all fighting over something you know nothing about."
"Well are you the moon goddess daughter." I sigh. "Yes."
"Then it's you we want."
"No! You don't want me. You want my power." It's just like my dream. It's real. Is this really happening?
"Well only one of us get's you what's the pack." I look around and find Dextor.
"Justice." They turn and look at Dextor. "Maybe if we break him she come with us." One says.
"Or us."
"No us!" They start growling and pounces on Dextor.

Lone Wolf
LobisomemJustice is the name she choose but to others the name is Shadow. I think you know why. Her fury so white that if it snowed she would blend in. Although at night she can be heard but not seen. That's the point she doesn't want to be seen by anybody. ...