Chapter 19

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My internet finally back on!! Okay here's Chapter 19!

Justice's P.O.V

David has not left my side since Dextor assigned him to me. It's really annoying. I'm supposed to be leaving today. Once I'm clearly annoyed I march up to his office. I open the door and everyone stops talking. Ellen, Becca, Zack, Gregg and Claire are all in here. They all look at me. "Do you need something Justice?" Dextor ask. "Um what's going on here?" I ask. "Nothing" Gregg says. They give a faint nod for some reason. "We'll be going now." They leave. They walk out past me. 

I close the door and turn to him. "Yes?" He ask. I glare at him. "Did you have to assign me a guard?" He nods. "Yes I did" He takes out his phone. "Give me that phone." I say. It goes out of his hands and comes straight to me. "Really?" I nod. I unlock his phone. "Give me it Justice." I turn it off after looking at something. 

"Or what?" He glares at me. "Give me the phone" He says with a firm voice. "What ever" I throw the phone at him and walk out. David follows me. I go to Dextor's room. "You may go now" He nods and leaves. I go inside. I close the door behind me. I get one of his shirts. I take off mine and put his on. I put on some shorts and the lay down in his bed. I'm gonna have to leave sooner or later. It's going to be sooner.

I see a glass of water. I decide since I'm board to play with it. I swore to never use my powers again but hey what else is there to do. I make different shapes and figures with it. I was so caught up in it and thinking that I didn't notice that it's been 3 hours. I hear the door open and I stop playing with the water and pretend to be asleep. He comes over and kisses me. I couldn't help but kiss back. I pull him closer. We pull back. I really hate the air.  "I knew that you weren't asleep." I roll my eyes. 

"Whatever" He keeps staring at me. "Hello?" I say. He smiles and gets up. He gets in some sweats with no shirt and comes in bed with me. He sits up on the head board. I sit on his lap facing hi my legs on either side. I miss his lips. I bring his face to mine. His hands goes to my hips. He pulls me even closer. It turns into a full make out session. I don't want to leave this behind. I really don't and it breaks my heart because knowing Dextor he will do anything he can to find me. 

I don't want to be away from him but I have to. I can't let him get hurt. I make the kiss deeper. We pull away for air. "Are you okay?" He ask. I nod "Yeah." I lie. Am I ever okay? It doesn't matter. I want to make this moment last. I take off the shirt and throw it to the floor. I bring his lips to mine once again. 

The next morning. I wake up in his arms. I slowly get out of his grip. I woke up early. I take a shower and get dressed. I get out and see Dextor awake. He is already dressed. We walk out the room. We stop at his office. "I'm gonna be out for the day with Claire." I tell him and he nods. I have to leave. I know if I don't leave today I won't leave at all. He leans in and we share the most passionate kiss ever. I bring him closer. I'm gonna miss this. We pull back for air but I go right back in.

He was surprise but didn't object. Good thing no one is awake yet. After like 45 minutes of that we finally pull back. We both really didn't want it to stop. "I love you Dextor. Always remember that" I say. "I love you too Justice." I kiss him again and then walk away. I try not to burst into tears. I get to Claire's house finally.

I pack up my stuff and I walk out and close the door behind me. Start to walk.

"JUSTICE!!" I turn and it's my dad. I walk faster as he runs up to me. "Wait Justice" He says out of breathe. I stop. "What?"

"Look I know you hate me right now but you have to understand that what I did was out of love."

"What are you talking about?" I cross my arms. "Your mother" my face harden. "I don't want to talk about this" He grabs my hand. I look him dead in the eye. "No it's bout time you know what happened that night." I sigh.

"I saw who killed your mother."


"His name is Francis Jackson" That's when I run away from him.

Francis Jackson?

Yeah that's what he said

When he said that does he mean Dextor's dad?

I guess so.

What now?

We leave.

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