Justice P.O.V
"Hello" I turn to see a boy older than me and has a very firm but chill expression. "Hey um can I help you?"
"No ma'am Alpha Dextor has assigned me to be your guard"
"Your third in command" He nods. "Okay then. Well I'm Justice and your?" I hold out. "David ma'am" He shakes my hand. "Okay enough with "ma'am". Just call me Justice" He nods.
"Well then ma- I mean Justice. I was assigned because Alpha Dextor has serious business to deal with" He states. We start to walk. "Like what?" I ask
"I was told not to say. I'm sorry" I nod. "I will just talk with Dextor" He nods. "I'm hungry" I walk to the kitchen and he follows. I grab an apple from the bowl and sit on the chair. I take out the book from my purse. "To Kill A MockingBird. Good book" I nod "Yeah liking it so far" I start to read and eat my apple. He just sits watching me.
I start to get annoyed. "Okay you attend a meeting please" He nods and gets up and leaves. I sigh in relief. "FinalFreakingly" I start reading. I mumble when I read so i start to say some words.
" 'After many telephone calls, much pleading on behalf of the defendant, and a long forgiving letter from his mother, it was decided that Dill could stay. We had a week of peace together. After that, little, it seemed. A nightmare was upon us'........" I mumble. I keep reading. (I think that was chapter 14 or 15)
"Justice!" Someone shouts. I jump. "What!?" I shout. I look over it was just David. "I've been trying to get your attention for the past 20 minutes. The meeting was about 2 hours and your needed in Dextor's Office" I nod and put the book away. He walks me to the office.
I feel like I got in trouble at school and is taking a visit to the principal's office. He opens the door and i go in. Dextor waves him off. He walks away and closes the door. "Hello Justice" He says not looking at me. I frown. What's up with him?
"Hello Alpha Dextor" I say. He nods. "Please take a seat" Is he serious? I sit down on his desk. "Babe what's going on?" He still doesn't look up at me. "Justice. Are you hiding anything from me that I need to know for the safety of my pack?" I freeze. I can't tell him. I already made my choice.He can't change my mind.
"Justice answer me" He says not looking me in the eye. Annoyance hints in his voice. I turn away and get up off his desk. He grabs my wrist. "Justice I need an answer." I don't look at him. "Justice look at me now" He demands. I pull well try to pull my hand away but his grips gets tighter.
"Dextor I don't want to fight with you. I made my choice already"
"About what?" He stands up. He pulls me to him. I don't look him in the eyes. "I can't say because I know that you wouldn't let me leave."
"Leave?" He starts to get worried but also angry. "There's these people. They said that...." I sigh.
"That what? Justice tell me" He demands his grip gets tighter. "That if I come to them then they won't........They won't hurt the pack or .......or you" His grip loosens. "Who are these people?" I shrug. "I don't know"
He sighs and sits in his chair. "I made the decision to leave and go to them to keep you and our pack safe" His head shoots up. "No not happening" I shake my head. "Yes it is and you can't stop me" I start to walk out but he grabs me and brings his lips to mine. He pulls away. "Your not leaving me" He says. "Promise that you won't leave me"
I sigh "You know I can't-"
"Promise me Justice"
"I promise" I lie. He kisses me again and pulls away. "Thank you" I smile. He sits in his chair and brings me with him. I sit on his lap as he scoots the chair up and look at his paper work and stuff like that while i play with his hair. "You need a hair cut"
"No I don't"
"Yeah you do. Your hair is starting to look like an Afro." He rolls his eyes. "Fine I'll get a hair cut it you stop talking"
"You didn't have to be mean about it." I start to get up but get pulled back down. "Really this again" He nods. I roll my eyes.
~~ Next Week ~~
I go to my house. I sit on the couch. I sigh and take out the DVD and put it in.
I see you have made your choice. In the envelope is a map. Directions on how to get here. We hope to see you soon Justice. Very soon.
Then the video cuts off. I take out the directions and fold it putting it in my back pocket. I'm so sorry Dextor. I write a note saying what is happening. I look at the map again. I have to leave the pack's territory so all connections will be gone. Shit.
I'll leave tomorrow.
??? P.O.V
I walk through the halls in a black dress and black heels. She's coming. It's time to put the plan in motion.
"Hello Master. I plan is going exactly as planed."
"Oh yes. And we will have victory." I walk and sit on the steps. "Tell me why she is so needed. I mean You already have me" I smile checking out my nails.
"Well you see darling. She has the power you never can posses" He says and pain runs through my body. "Ah!"
"Never question the chosen or you shall be punished." Then it all stops at once. "Besides it's not like you don't get anything out of this"
"Oh yeah and what about me" I turn and she walks in along with the old man. "Oh please you get something out of this" Then we start bickering. "All you shut up!" He shouts. We stay quiet.
"Good now run along. we have to get the net phrase into motion." We leave.
"Oh and Harmony, Dr.Sugar cubes as she likes to call you and Peter Justice's "Father" make sure she get's here"
"Yes master" We all walk out at the same time.

Lone Wolf
WerewolfJustice is the name she choose but to others the name is Shadow. I think you know why. Her fury so white that if it snowed she would blend in. Although at night she can be heard but not seen. That's the point she doesn't want to be seen by anybody. ...