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Three more years have passed since I was detained. Ten years in total. A decade in this hole, where every day is a struggle to maintain sanity. But I haven't wasted my time. I've spent every free moment reading. First, it was the book of legends, the one that revealed the curse of the Daemon Ritus to me, but then I dove into any book on ancient cultures, curses, and mythology. In the library, in my cell, and even on the internet when I have access, I've devoured everything that might give me a clue on how to reverse my situation.

Meanwhile, those who were once my accomplices haven't stopped mocking me. Not a day goes by without them reminding me how far I've fallen, how far I am from being the gigantic and fearsome monster I once was. Today was no exception.

I was sitting on my bed, absorbed in one of the books I managed to get, when N' Goo Tuana, that bastard who was in charge of extracting the souls, walked into the cell. Ever since Zarkos was released for good behavior last week, N' Goo has been more confident, more arrogant.

"What are you reading, midget?" His voice dripped with contempt as he approached and snatched the book from my hands. He lifted it, reading aloud: "Ancient Cultures and Their Curses." He let out a mocking laugh. "Do you seriously think reading this will reverse what happened to you?"

I stayed calm, though inside my blood boiled. "I'm learning, N' Goo. Knowledge is power."

"Ha!" He spat on the ground and turned to me. "Power! That's what you thought you had! But look at you now!" He kicked the book, sending it flying across the cell to crash against the wall. 

"Zarkos is free, and I'm out next week! While you, you little idiot, will remain a midget forever, trapped in that puppy body."

His taunts were insidious, but what hurt the most was the truth in his words. Even so, I didn't let him see how much it affected me. I slowly stood up, a forced smile on my lips.

"It's okay, N' Goo," I said calmly, "laugh now, enjoy your freedom when you get it. But remember my words, sooner or later, you'll regret betraying me."

He leaned down, getting in my face, his expression full of contempt. "Threats, Scrappy? From a little pup like you? How pathetic."

"It's just a warning," I replied, staring directly into his eyes. "Time puts everyone in their place."

N' Goo let out another laugh before kicking me in the stomach, making me collapse against the wall. "You're going to die here, alone, little useless runt. No one's coming to save you."

I watched him walk away, laughing with that same arrogance as always, but I did nothing. I stayed on the ground, in pain but silent, with that bitter smile on my lips. Because I knew that, even though everything seemed lost, there was still a chance, a small spark of hope. And someday, that spark would turn into the fire that would consume them all.

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