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It had already been a month since I started executing my plan. Throughout those days, the only thing I managed was for the Daemon Ritus to reabsorb the people who were trapped inside me during my transformation, less than 50 in total. It was frustrating, because he knew that he could only reabsorb them as long as he was away from the original Daemon Ritus. The problem was that the majority of these people, when they disappeared, was justified as another consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic. No one cared to do too much research, they were just statistics lost in the global tragedy.

But my desperation grew. I knew that I could only reabsorb the souls that had already been inside me, but not new victims. That put me at a serious disadvantage. If he wanted more power, he had to take back the Daemon Ritus. He had to plan a robbery, a perfect one.

Among the people I "reabsorbed" were teachers and local store owners. They were the ones who provided me with everything I needed to continue my plans. Through them I obtained parts to repair the Daemon Ritus and turn my ramshackle apartment into a real chemistry laboratory. Every corner was full of jars, test tubes and strange machines that helped me experiment with what would soon be my best creation.

Finally, after much testing, I created a serum. A strange green liquid that had to be injected into my neck. This would be my biggest breakthrough. I knew that to perfect the transformation, I had to alter my DNA. I couldn't risk that when I used the Daemon Ritus again, my stomach would grow disproportionately like the last time. This time it would be different.

With the syringe in my hand and the needle already stuck in my neck, I couldn't help but smile. **"I won't have a belly this time!"** I told myself over and over again. **"I'm going to have muscles, giant muscles! No more being a fat monster!"** Excitement ran through me as I imagined the final result.But I couldn't let the excitement distract me. While perfecting my body, I also studied the schedules of the museum where the Daemon Ritus was on display. I analyzed the staff, the security routines, the times the museum closed and opened. Everything had to be perfectly calculated.

Another week passed, and everything was ready.

When I woke up that morning, with adrenaline coursing through my veins, I only had one phrase in my mind.

**"Today is the day."**

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