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He worked on the Daemon Ritus with obsessive precision. The tools in my paws manipulated the contraption as I opened it and began to alter it, applying every trick I had learned in all these years. The souls stored in the jar glowed faintly, but it was not enough. For this artifact to be as powerful as I wanted, I needed more. A lot more.

The television, a background noise, began to broadcast a report about what had happened in the museum. I couldn't help but smile when I heard the reporter's words. The couple who pretended to be my owners had been found dead, as had Pete. Of course, the bodies were passed out in positions that indicated that they did not understand anything before they died. That was perfect for me. It was the kind of chaos that would leave them guessing, not knowing what had really happened.

As he continued working on the artifact, he remembered how he had left some museum pieces intact, just enough to make the theft seem more chaotic, more desperate. The authorities would focus on the missing pieces, but the most valuable thing, the Daemon Ritus, was here with me. I adjusted the internal connections of the device, opening and closing it, while reviewing what I knew. For a new soul to be absorbed into the artifact, it had to be close to it. It was a basic rule, but crucial. Now that I had more control, I understood how to take advantage of this connection.

At that moment, the sound of the television brought me out of my thoughts. I turned my head and saw the familiar face of the guys from Mistery Inc. A report on their latest case. I laughed, I couldn't help it.

"Look at them, as naive as ever..." I said, through clenched teeth, returning to concentrate on the internal circuits of the device. Don't you realize what I have now?

My eyes scanned the documents and schematics on the table, comparing them to what I had read. Everything was starting to make more sense. He was altering the device to make it more powerful, more adaptable. Now, any soul that came close, willing or not, would be at my mercy. My malicious laugh echoed through the cabin. Mystery Inc. had no idea.

The next report on television made me pause for a second. "To date, there have been no reports of Scrappy-Doo's whereabouts," the anchor announced, with the typical seriousness of newscasts. I approached the television, seeing myself, or at least my shadow, projected like a fugitive criminal.

—Oh, yes, that's what I am now. —I laughed harder—. My crime? What did they call it? "Theft, breach of peace...murder..." I repeated the words mockingly. All that and more, humans. And they don't even have a clue that I'm not in prison.

The report showed the images of the museum, the bodies, the evidence they had collected. But they didn't know anything. While they were talking, I changed the channel back to Mistery Inc. Little did they know that their little Scrappy was loose, free to cause chaos, and now with more power than ever. I looked at them again, and a smile spread across my face.

—They have no idea. —I whispered—. But soon they will know.

After several hours of work and fine-tuning, the alterations to the Daemon Ritus were almost complete. Now the artifact responded to my will in a way I had never imagined. I felt the energy flow through him, more powerful than ever. I gently touched the edge of the Daemon Ritus, and a surge of power surged through my chest.

I stood up from the table, stretching my legs and smiling evilly.

"They will soon pay for it... everyone will pay for it," I said, my words full of hatred and promises of revenge.

The Daemon Ritus vibrated with energy on the table, and I knew my time was approaching.

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