Chapter 6 - The Reaping

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Clove's POV

"That's my Clover," he said smiling. Haha I'm his Clover. Take that Angel. She never even had a chance. Not even noticing the smug look I plastered on my face Cato ask,

"Is anything else up?" Wow I looked like an idiot and I didn't even now it.

"No, I was just thinking."

"What were you thinking about? And no more one word answers. " He said laughing.

"Us... You called me your Clover. I liked it." I said.

"Do you wanna go somewhere?" He asked, suddenly excited.

"Sure, lets go." We walked through town, into the woods, and over to the waterfall.

"Cato, we come here every other day." I said, slightly curious about where we were really going.

"We're gonna climb up to the top of the waterfall."

"I don't know about this,"

"Do you trust me?" He said holding out his hand for me to take.

"Well, the"

"I said do you trust me?" I grabbed his hand he pulled me up as we began scaling the side if the cliff, just to the right if the waterfall. Cato got to the top first, then pulled me up to join him. As I took in the view I let out a gasp. It was breathtaking, the valley was spread out before us. A rainbow of colors erupting from everywhere. The blue rivers, the grey mountains with their white peaks, the meadow with the tall green grasses, and the flowers in pinks, purples, yellows, and oranges. I turned my head to Cato and tackle him with a ginormous hug.

"This is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen!" I exclaim.

"It's is very pretty, but I have seen better." He said with a shrug.

"I don't believe you. What could possibly more beautiful than this?" I say laughing.

"You." He says looking into my eyes. I lean on his shoulder looking out to the view.

"I love you, Cato" I say.

"Love you too, Clover." We sit like this for what seems like hours until I ask what I have been meaning too for a while.

"Cato, have you ever kissed a girl?"

"And why would you want to know that, miss?"

"Ehh, just curious." I said.

"Well don't joke me about it but, no"

"What?!? Most popular guy in the academy has never kissed a girl?" I ask. I mean I'm surprised. He usually has girls flinging themselves at him.

"Never really had time, I guess. Now your turn, have you ever kissed a guy? And if you say someone I don't approve of I might get a few more days if suspension." He warns.

"Well, only Dustin." I say with the straightest face I can muster.

"What the heck Clove? Are you lying to me?" He says sounding mad. His face even turned red and he was getting all worked up.

"No I am not lying!" I say, but it's useless. I'm just laughing to hard, my cover has been blown.

" Clove, that was not funny. You had me worried for a minute." He said, putting a hand over his heart making an over exaggerated sigh if relief.

"Haha you should have seen your face, priceless!"

"No really though, have you ever kissed someone?" He asked nudging my shoulder.

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