Chapter 12 - At Last

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Author's Note

Sorry it's been longer usual for updating. I have been sick and so sleeping is basically all i have done.Feedback is nice. Hope your having a good day! The trailer for catching fire is finally here!!!

Always Remember Clato is Forever!!!

Clove's POV

I keep remembering a face, and the face has a name. It was someone who had hurt me in some way. I look to Cato feeling confused and scared at the answer I might hear.

"Who is Dustin?" I ask.

"Um, Dustin is a...person." He says unconvincingly.

"Cato, I know he is bad I just don't know how." I really need to know, it might help me remember. With his jaw clenched and his eyes closed he answered

"The one who hurt you."

"Where is he now?" I asked.

"In jail." He answered bluntly.

"I want to go see him." I say, " he might help me to remember."

"No, Clove. He hurt you, I don't even want you near him." I grabbed his arm.

"Cato, I need know. He will help me remember, I can feel it. You can come with me." He sighs,

"Only if I go with you. I'm not leaving you alone for a second him, oh and you might want to get a peacekeeper to come with us." He says.

"Why the peacekeeper?" I ask.

"To hold me back when I see that scum." He says, being completely serious. I smile at him, I wish I could remember more about us. When I see his face, it makes me smile, but I can't remember anything. I know that we have a lot of history I will eventually remember but I just don't know.

It takes another 2 days before I am discharged from the hospital. Cato stays with me the entire time, talking to me about all the good and bad times we have had. And trust me there is a lot of them. We walked over to the district two jail as soon as I got out. We walked in and Cato checked us in to see Dustin. A peacekeeper escorted us to a room with a big glass wall dividing it. On the other side was Dustin sitting in a chair. My head started pounding and instinctively my hand went up to my head. Cato noticed and rushed over asking me,

"Are you okay?"

"Fine, it's just my head, remembering." I reply.

"Clove, is that you?" The man from the other side of the room ask. I look over and instantly recognize the face, Dustin.

"Yes, your Dustin right?" I ask.

"Um of course I am, but you didn't remember that did you?" He says with a chuckle.

"Why did you hurt me? I don't want to know how you did it or where. Just why, and I know it was you so don't try to deny it."

"Him." He points to Cato. Why would he hurt me because if Cato. Cato lunges toward the wall practically yelling,

"You really wanna test me. I don't have a problem with revenge. You know that night, I was this close to getting you too along with all of your buddies. You ran when you saw me cause you couldn't take me and couldn't the thought that what you did was pathetic." Cato turns around and stands by me again as if nothing ever happened. He puts his arms around my shoulders and waits for Dustin to say something.

"Clove, do you remember that day in training? When I told you I loved you?"Dustin asked. I got flashes of the scene. Cato and him had gotten into a fight. Dustin told me he loved me. A beautiful scene flashes across my memory. Cato was in the fight defending me. Why was he defending me?

"Yes, but it's irrelevant now considering you we're lying." I reply.

"I wasn't lying. I wanted you to be mine but he took you instead." Wait, did Cato like me? Cato shoots Dustin an evil glare. A peacekeeper tells us our time is up and we leave.

"Cato what was he talking about? You taking me instead." I ask.

"I don't think it's time yet. You need to know everything about your life before we start on that subject. All you need to know is that I care for you more than anyone else in the entire world, okay?" He says trying to smile.

"Okay", I reply.

Cato's POV

"Okay" she replies. We walk back to my house where she will be staying until she gains her memory back. We eat dinner and then go to bed. We have training first thing. I told Clove that she doesn't have to go but she wanted to. We get up and walk to the center, a few times we have to stop because Cloves head begins to hurt,it means she is getting flashes if her memory back. I take her to her class and then go to mine. All the way we strange stares from people who know what happened. They have all been instructed by peacekeepers not to mention a single thing to Clove that would be out of the ordinary. She still does not remember that we finally became a couple. I know that her memory will come back with time. They said that certain places will trigger memories of her past. What will she think of when she sees the justice building? The garden in the back where she was attacked? I swear I will make Dustin pay for what he did.

Should I tell Clove that we were together or should I wait until she remembers? She should remember, at least the doctors said she would. She needs to remember, I need her to. I wish that she knew how much I love her. How can I let her know. In a month if she doesn't remember, I will take her somewhere that will make her.

A month went by and Clove was remembering a lot about her life. She even moved into her house again. We were still back at the friend level. I missed her a lot, not just the feeling of her loving hugs and kisses, but the feeling of knowing that she is mine. Today I am going to take her somewhere that has to make her remember, and if she doesn't then I will tell her how I feel again. Today we are going to the cliff, the place where I told her I loved her the first time. And when she remembers things will be back the way they need to be. Me and her together, at last.

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