Chapter 10 - The Disaster

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Clove's POV

I walked away from Cato, nervously following Dustin.

"So, how are you and Cato doing?" He asked.

"We're doing great, thanks for asking." I replied

"Have you though about what I said? After that fight, about loving you? I still do." He says looking down at his feet.

"Dustin, I'm sorry but I'm with Cato. I love him and there isn't anything that is gonna get in my way."I say.

"Clove, I'm gonna give you a choice, you can be with me..." He says hesitantly. This is just getting creepy. I felt a hair stick up on the back if my neck.


"No one..." He says with and evil smile. People dressed in all black begin to emerge from the shadows. Huge, bulky figures that appear to be holding various objects appear. There is ten if them and one if me. I'm frozen.

I snap back into reality and ready myself to defend.

"Dustin, what are you doing? And if you think I'm going to be with you your mistaken." I say, already knowing the answer.

"I guess you made your choice." And then they lunge.

Instantly I grab my knife that I tend to keep strapped on my leg. The first one lunges and I slash him on the arm.

"She has a knife!" He yells. Another comes at me from the back and I flip him over onto the concrete.

"CATO! CATO!" I scream, knowing that he will be on his way. Just as I say that Dustin yells

"Finish it up boys, were about to have Hadley to deal with too."

"Traitor! You said you loved me!" I scream as I duck under a punch from another attacker. The next clutches my leg and trips me onto the ground. I slash my knife at his leg then stand up and turn around. I see Cato emerge from around the corner and take out an attacker. I turn my head and hear a crack as something connects with my right temple. Pain is surging though my body, more painful than anything i have ever felt, I let out a scream. Then everything goes black.

Cato's POV

"No, don't leave me." Angel says. I begin to sprint in the direction I heard Cloves voice coming from. I sprint though the courtyard. About a minute later I turn the corner to see Clove fending off an attacker and then one lunges at me. One punch and he is out. I hear a crack and look to see Clove scream in pain, then crumple to the ground. Blood is rushing out of her head and the attackers begin to flee. I punch another as he tries to get away. The remaining attackers jump over the fence. Dustin did this. I run over to Clove and try to shake her awake.

"Clove! Clove!" She is unresponsive, her face is losing color fast. I pick her up and rush her into the ballroom. Angel is smirking in the corner.

"Help! How do I get to the hospital from here?" A peacekeeper runs over and we run to the hospital, seven blocks away. I'm sprinting into the hospital and then they take Clove and put her on a stretcher.

"Where are you taking her? Is she gonna be okay? Can I go with her?" A man directs me to a room where they have taken Clove and makes me sit outside. I wait for what feels like hours. I sit thinking about what will happen to Clove. A peacekeeper came to question me about what happened. I told him my side of everything and they said that they would take care of it. I waited through the night, not moving except to call my mom. In the morning the nurse came out and told me that I could go in. She warned me about something but I didn't listen. I went into the room. I walked over to Cloves bed and gave her a giant hug. She looked confused.

"Clove how are you feeling?" I ask while taking her hand. She snatches it away and I look at her, hurt.

"Who are you?" She ask.

"Clove, it's Cato." I say, I turn to the nurse, "why is she like this?"

"Who is Clove?" Clove ask me. I turn to the nurse.

"Cato," says the nurse, "The blows Clove suffered to her head,"

"No, no your lying!" I yell grabbing my head with my hands. This can't be happening. Not to Clove, not to us. The nurse grabs my shoulder and turns to face me.

"She doesn't remember anything. Clove is suffering from severe memory loss..."


Author's Note

Hey guys!!! I'm really happy with the chapter so let me know what you think. Thanks soooo much for reading! Enjoy!

Always Remember Clato is Forever!

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