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Luke turned his head and looked at Calum who was watching him with furrowed eyebrows, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, sure" Luke said and smiled small, not really feeling like talking about his emotions right before their lesson was about to start.

Calum gave him a hesitant look before nodding his head and turning his attention towards the teacher who was starting the lesson.

Luke's minds was in all the wrong places. He should be paying attention to his teacher and his friend, but his mind was so occupied with thinking about Ashton that he just couldn't.

Since Ashton had told Luke to stay away from him, which was weeks ago now, he has tried. The blonde just felt himself getting pulled back to the intimidating older boy and he couldn't do anything about it.

Though, Ashton was still working by his own words and made sure he and Luke never got closer than needed.

Luke didn't understand; why let him be so close to him for a few days and then just ignore him fully? Why couldn't Ashton just ignored him from the start?

The way Ashton acted towards Luke those days just made the blonde feel so much other than fear. Luke wasn't scare of Ashton and he knows he should be, since everybody else in this school is, but he just wasn't. He saw all the good things in the tattooed boy, and he knew Ashton hated it.

Ashton could've killed him from the first day, but then suddenly he started to protect Luke and the blonde just felt grateful. Why would Ashton do stuff like that if he hated Luke?

"Luke?" Luke was dragged out of his thoughts when seeing the teacher and half of the class looking at him.

"Um, yeah?" he answered and smiled small.

"Could you tell me what material this is?" the teacher asked and pointed at something written on the board.

"No sir" Luke said even though he perfectly knew just what it was. He just wasn't in a mood to speak today. The teacher gave him a look before turning to someone else, asking the same question.

"Hey, are you really okay? I saw you writing the answer down, why didn't you just say it?" Calum asked his friend and nudged him a bit to get his attention. Luke shrugged and kept his eyes on the board.

"Did anything happen?" Calum asked again and frowned at his friend, he was worried. The first days of school Luke was all giggly and happy, now he was just so down.

"Can I ask you something?" Luke whispered back suddenly, making Calum nod his head right away. "Why is everyone so scared of Ashton and Michael?"

Calum furrowed his eyebrows at the surprising question and studied Luke's face for a bit before hesitantly answering.

"Because they are insane. If you haven't noticed yet by their appearance, they are pretty much criminals and I don't even know why they are allowed in this school" Calum said and shook his head. Luke frowned a bit before nodding his head.

"Why does everyone think they are criminals just by the way they look? Isn't that kind of rude, that everyone in this school judge them by their looks?" Luke asked.

"They look the way they look because they are criminals. Some say that their whole bodies are filled with tattoos of cuss words and targets where every name of the person they have killed is inked onto"

"So you are saying they kill people?" Luke asked and inched closer to Calum so their whispers wouldn't be heard out over the lesson.

Calum nodded his head and licked his lips. "Yeah. One girl said she saw Ashton and Michael walk into a kind of bar or club, and they came out with a big black bag, looking like a perfect fit for a body"

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