fifty three

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Hands touching smooth skin. Lips leaving faint, loving marks. Teeth gnawing on pale flesh. Tongues leaving wet traces on swollen lips. Deep breaths and sweet whimpers filling the small bedroom at 4 am. The sun seeping through the gaps of the worn out curtains, creating a spotlight on the writhing blonde that was lying underneath Ashton's muscular body.

Hips moving together. Heads thrown back against the pillows, gasps leaving pink lips like a beautiful symphony. Eyebrows scrunched together. Mouth sucking on bony shoulders and scarred throats. Eyes wide open, hazel meeting blue, silent confessions of love being told only through colorful irises while filthy moans were the only things heard.

Legs wrapped around waists. Hands above heads as fingers wrapped together, nails leaving marks on rough skin. Sounds being louder, cries of final pleasure leaving the blonde's irresistible lips before the young boy fell heavy against the soft mattress.

Only the beautiful sight of the young boy was enough for the older boy to let everything go, muscles relaxing, jumbles of pretty praising words leaving his chapped lips, before falling on top of him with a satisfied grunt, face buried in the blonde's neck.

A peaceful moment later Ashton could feel slim fingers running up his bare back, continuing the way up the back of his neck, over the shell of his ear, down to his unshaved chin. Ashton hummed at the touch, feeling Luke smile against his sweaty forehead.

Ashton fluttered his eyes open, lifting his head from Luke's shoulder to look down at his boy. The early morning sunlight at the Australian coast made Luke look like a gleaming star; all bright and beautiful, able to light up the whole universe by just being himself.

Ashton hummed once again, leaning down to press light kisses all over Luke's face before climbing out of the bed. The apartment was eerily quiet as Ashton exited the bedroom to enter the bathroom. He caught a glimpse of his reflection in the dirty mirror, pursing his lips at the sight before smiling small at the mark just below his jaw. All thanks to Luke.

Cleaning himself up, splashing cold water in his face and pushing away his sweaty hair from his forehead, Ashton carried the damp towel with him back to the bedroom. Luke was lying still on the bed, his slim body looking even more beautiful in a relax state like this.

Sliding back into the bed under the thin duvet, Ashton ran the warm towel over Luke's body, keeping his eyes on Luke's calm face as the blonde breathed out heavily. As Ashton ran the towel up Luke's neck, the young boy drowsily opened his eyes, making Ashton's heart beat harder and faster.

"Hi" Luke whispered, a sweet smile on his red and swollen lips, his blue eyes as clear as the ocean water.

Ashton smiled, breathing out a soft laugh before throwing the towel to the side. Curling his arms around Luke's body, he held him close. "Hi, baby" he whispered back, sighing contently at the pretty laugh escaping Luke's lips.

"How are you feeling?" Luke asked softly, his fingers running through Ashton's hair like they always did at times like these.

"I'm okay" Ashton answered, his voice quiet as he closed his eyes and buried his nose in Luke's soft hair.

"Are you sure?" Luke's voice was worried, and Ashton didn't understand why the boy was worried about him. Ashton should be the one who should be worried. Luke had been dead, should have been dead, yet he wasn't. Luke was on the other side of the word, no longer a living person in the eyes of America, and too far away from his family's reach.

"I'm sure," Ashton mumbled softly, brushing his lips against the side of Luke's forehead, "When I'm with you, I'm okay"

Luke breathed out a laugh before continuing to run his fingers through Ashton's hair, nuzzling his nose against the older boy's in the need of being as close to each other as possible.

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