forty five

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hi i'm back. before the chapter starts i'll just have to say something for those who are rereading this book; stop leaving comments that will spoil for the people who are reading for the first time!!! it not only sucks for them to know how everything will turn out just by the second chapter, but it's also really frustrating for me who's writing when people are ruining the surprises and tension of the whole story.

Ashton had been thinking. He knew it was dangerous letting his mind run wild during the silent and dark night, but he just couldn't help it.

Ever since he had hung up on Michael last night, Ashton hadn't been able to get his words out of his head. How could he when they were the only thing that mattered?

Ashton couldn't just ignore the fact that his Luke; small, sweet, innocent, fragile Luke, was the most wanted person in the state of New York. As Michael had put it it seemed like it was the entire north-west side of America that were tempted to rip Ashton's life apart in front of his eyes.

Because Ashton knew everyone around knew they didn't need to end Ashton's life to kill him. Every gang Ashton had ever gotten familiar with knew about Luke, knew about how Ashton treated Luke like some precious treasure only for him to keep, and everyone now wanted the treasure. Not necessarily to keep, but to make sure Ashton never once would have it again.

Ashton knew since the beginning that Luke would be a great fucking mistake. But that didn't mean he didn't love Luke and didn't love the things they had. He loved Luke so unbelievably much, but them together were a mistake.

There's no reason to swipe it under the rug though. Ashton knew that now, because Ty and Michael and Calum and everyone around had been right all along. Luke and Ashton were dangerous together. Not only to other people, but to themselves as well.

They were a disaster running towards its end, and it pained Ashton when believing how he could almost feel the end getting closer and closer by the second.

He didn't know what 'the end' meant in this case, but he could feel it gracing his skin and breathing down his neck.

Though, he was sure 'the end' wouldn't mean Luke getting ripped away from him to only get replaced with a bunch of cash. Ashton was more than sure that that would never happen, because he wouldn't allow it.

He had made sure since day one that family always came first, and yesterday Ashton had made a promise to make Luke family. Forever.

And maybe forever didn't have a specific time to go by, and maybe to Ashton life had always been something unimportant that just kept him standing until death finally managed to come through. But right now life was everything, and he would do anything to make sure death wouldn't visit them just yet.

Forever wouldn't end quite this soon.

But that didn't mean Ashton still wasn't ready to give his life up only for Luke to be kept alive.

It's weird though, how life can take such a drastic turn. Or more like how your opinions on life could take such a drastic turn.

Ashton had always hated life; had always despited everything it continued and never took time to care about anything it gave him. Until it gave him Luke.

After hours of only staring up at the ceiling, Ashton finally turned his head and pressed his nose against Luke's cheek gently, inhaling the sweet smell of the boy as he pulled him closer to himself.

"Forever, right?" Ashton whispered with a light sigh, repeating the words Luke had spoken yesterday before closing his eyes shut and burying his face in the side of Luke's sleeping one.

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