nine / re-uploaded

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re-uploaded chapter because wattpad is a bitch and fucked up the other chapter nine. this took me five hours to rewrite and i have not edited it so just bear with me pls


Luke tugged his jacket closer to his body and smiled as he saw the familiar black SUV pull up by the sidewalk when Luke was waiting.

Even though all windows were tinted black and the whole can looked unbelievably suspicious, Luke knew it was Ashton's, so he happily strutted over to the car and opened the door to take a seat.

He closed the door and relaxed in his seat before turning his head to look at Ashton.

"Hi" Luke breathed out and smiled that usual smile he almost always wore. Ashton looked at him and licked his lips.

"Hi" Ashton said back and turned around to the road and started driving away. "Did you sleep well?"

Luke nodded before buying his lip. "Yeah, I was just a bit sad when I woke up and you weren't there" he answered truthfully and a bit shyly.

"I know," Ashton mumbled, "Have you eaten breakfast yet?"

"Oh, um," Luke stuttered at the surprising question, "No, I didn't have the time"

After Luke had called Ashton earlier that morning, and had calmed down when hearing Ashton was okay, Luke had fallen asleep again with a smile on his face with 'angel' running through his mind.

He had then a few hours later woken up by Ashton calling him, telling him to get ready so he could pick him up. Of course, Luke got ready in a heartbeat and didn't care about eating of anything like that before running out of the house and down the street where Ashton would pick him up.

They need to keep a distance from Luke house to not show his family that Luke's hangs out with Ashton. Neither of the boys wanted to answer questions they weren't really sure about being able to answer.

"We'll go eat some breakfast then" Ashton said like a demand and Luke only nodded and smiled because Ashton was going to take him out for breakfast.

It wasn't a date, but the younger boy could at least imagine that it was, so he kept smiling giddily like the happy boy he was.

"So, why did you leave in the middle of the night?" Luke asked after a while of silence. Luke had noticed that Ashton never played music in the car, and Luke didn't really want to intrude by turning on the radio.

"I didn't leave in the middle of the night," Ashton said matter-of-factly, "I left early morning.

Luke fought the want to roll his eyes at Ashton's answer before speaking again, "Okay then, why did you leave so early in the morning? Did anything happen?"

Ashton sighed because he didn't want to answer the questions to Luke. They were too raw for the blonde's innocent mind but he didn't feel like lying to Luke either.

"Don't worry about it" Ashton said instead and sped up the pace of the car, "And I though I told you to ask less questions?"

Luke shrugged. "I thought I could ask you now when we're-"

Luke stopped right away when he realized what he was about to say. He couldn't label him and Ashton since they weren't anything yet.

Or maybe they were, Luke just didn't know what they were. He didn't know about these relationship stuff because he just experienced his fist kiss a few weeks ago.

Ashton didn't answer Luke's question. He actually ignored it and Luke didn't know what to think about that but he was quite relieved that Ashton didn't scold him about thinking they were more then they really were.

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