thirty nine

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this epic trailer is made by @ashtonsrippedjeans and i loVE IT. it's so fucking dope, thank you so much!

Ashton had his eyes closed and was calmly breathing in and out as he listened to Luke softly humming an unfamiliar tone. Luke's breath was hot against the the skin at the crook of Ashton's neck, and his delicate fingers were drawing pretty invisible patterns on the older boy's clothed chest.

Ashton was pretending to still be asleep to keep everything as calm as it was. It was nice for him to be relaxed in the arms of Luke and not have to worry for just a few minutes. Even though he hadn't slept much last night, he had still got more rest than he has ever gotten while being conscious.

It was also nice to have his eyes closed and get surrounded by darkness while still being close to the one person he loves. To have Luke touch him and let him know he was still safe, even though Ashton was not keeping all his focus on the blonde at the moment.

"Look out now, don't take one more step. We'll crash down like an avalanche" Luke sang quietly against Ashton's skin, making his words turn out muffled and the older boy shiver before tightening his hold around Luke's small body.

Luke grew quiet after that and even though Ashton didn't enjoy the meaning of the song Luke sang, he didn't want the blonde to stop. His soft voice was soothing in the darkness Ashton surrounded himself in, and the quiet vocals that Luke released were more than beautiful.

"Sorry" Luke whispered instead, causing Ashton to furrow his eyebrows and slowly open his eyes to glance down at his pretty boy by his side.

"For what?" he asked in a hoarse voice. He hadn't talked through the whole night and after he had pathetically been crying for hours before, his voice was completely wrecked. He didn't mind though. He had nothing to hide in Luke's presence now. He was broken, and Luke knew.

"For waking you up" Luke whispered and pressed a small kiss against Ashton's clothed shoulder before carefully sliding one of his warm delicate hands under Ashton's shirt and let his fingertips caress the scar on the older boy's lower stomach.

"I was already awake" Ashton mumbled and closed his eyes again at the comforting touch. "I didn't know you could sing" he added in a breathy whisper, making Luke still his movements.

"I didn't think you wanted to know. I thought you wouldn't appreciate it" Luke whispered back before starting to caress Ashton's skin again.

"I appreciate everything you do"

"I doubt that" Luke said through a breathless laugh.

Ashton wanted to argue, but was there really a point to? They were on such a crooked path together that it probably didn't matter what they said to save the situation. The road was still crooked and bumpy and it's not like it's possible for words to fix cracks in the concrete.

Everything was so bad. Ashton and Luke loved each other, probably more than any other couple out there, but they were still so horrible. Ashton was quite sure that they were probably the most dangerous couple ever, and not to other people, but to themselves.

But was he ready to let go? Fuck no. Ashton would never in his life willingly let Luke go just because life was a fucking bitch. He had grown up to learn that life was more than a fucking bitch, it was a fucking cunt. No need to excuse the language.

"Did you sleep anything?" Luke asked after a while of silence, disturbing Ashton's ungrateful thoughts.

"Yeah, I did" Ashton answered and turned his head to the side to look at the blond beauty.

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