"Great now I'm getting high off paint fumes."

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I was staring up at a dark silloette of a rather large man. I had attempted to crawl away but been stopped every time.

"You're not going any where yet." 

I looked over to Thomas and Landon, but both of them were out from banging their heads on the floor during the explosion.

I had a bad feeling that this was no longer the murder house we knew.

 I was staring at brand new floors, that shined and sparkled even in the low light of the hallway. The floors should looked distrested, through years of walking and running on them. The walls smelled like fresh paint, so strongly in fact it was making me slightly dizzy.

Great now I'm getting high off paint fumes.

"I'm not ready to deal with you three. So you're going into the celler for a little while." I felt a hand yank on the back of my t- shirt and lift me off the ground.

"Let me go!" I yelled.

"I can't do that. I don't know how you got into my house, but you're here now and you won't be leaving. Ever."

I struggled as the man carried me down two sets of stairs and through me down the next set. I hit wooden stairs on the way down, cracking both the wood and a few bones on the way down. I rolled over slightly, hoping to end the pain, but it only made it worse as Landon and Thomas were thrown on top of me.

"Get off me you idiots!" I yelled, my voice strand from their wieght on top of me.

They rolled off after a few minutes, making them both groan in pain when they hit the concrete ground.

"Who's there?" I scared voice asked from the darkness.

"Katy." I answered.

"Thomas." Thomas answered, sounded like he was crying. He was almost choked up while answering. I couldn't blame him either if I had any tears left I'd cry too. It hurt so bad being thrown down stairs.

"Landon." He answered with a groan.

"Who are you?" Landon asked, groaning again.


"James what?" I asked sitting up too quickly making my head spin.

"James Neil. Why?" He answered suddenly very afraid.

"You don't remember me? You've been talking to me on the computer for the last few days." I answered moaning in pain.

"The what? What's a computer?" James asked, sounding confused.

"What do you mean what is a computer --" I was interrupted by the door above us opening and sending a blinding light into the darkness.

"The demon. It comes again!" James yelled in fear.

"The demon?" I glanced up to see a figure with long black hair travel down the stairs. The hair covered their face, but their body was small and shapely. 

It must be a woman.

"Help us?" I asked, ignoring the fact that James thought she was the devil.

I saw her smile, a row of jagged teeth that shined in the light. A laugh escaped her lips as she lunged foreawrd for me.

"Landon!" I yelled as the figure landed next to me.

She wore no shoes but I could see the dried blood that covered her feet and legs. I could also smell the fresh blood that she had to be covered in.

She disappeared for a few moments, but I could hear her foot steps traveling around the concrete room. Each step echoed across the room, making it difficult to pin point where she was exactly. Although within a few seconds she was right in front of me.

A scream ripped through my thoart, instantly making my throat hurt and become hoarse. She emitted an evil laugh that sent shivers up my spin.

"When he's done with you you become mine." I could see her smile again, but this time it was so close that I could see and smell the blood that dripped from her jagged teeth.

The light above me started to flicker as she travelled around the room, giving it that strobe light effect as she seemed to be able to move faster than she should. 

I heard James scream and saw blinks in time of him back away from her and her attack before disappearing entirely.

"James?" I asked.


"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, she's here to scare you. This is just the beginning." 

"What do you mean?" I asked as he started to fade from my sight.

 "This is how I died, now he's ending it with you three." His image faded entirely as I felt a hand roughly grab my shirt again.

"What's happening!?" I yelled.

"I'll try to get you out if this Katy, but I don't know if I can. You should have left the ouija boards and supernatural stuff up to the experts. I'm sorry I involved you."

"I'm glad you're awake, I wouldn't want to lose you yet." The same dark voice, that would forever haunt me in my sleep now,  said as I saw Landon and Thomas tied to chairs and the Demon over them.

We're all going to die.

I just know it.

 "You won't die. I'm here for you. I know this house so well after years of living in it. I will get you out of here." James whispered.


"By living through what I did with one change in what I did. You;ll have to live through the Murder House, unlike those that came before you."

"But this isn't our Murder house!"

"It is your Murder House, It's a blend between your world and the one I was in. The ouija board opened the portayl and you'll be playing between the line of this world and your own. You can escape in your world. But only your world."

"How do we get back to our world?"

"I don't know if all of you can make it through....." James said hesitantly.

"But how?"

"The demon is your clue here. She will show you the door, by taking your blood that you donated in the first room."

"I knew that was real blood...."I said with a shudder.

"EVerything here is real, very much real." He said in a grim tone.

"Which means?"

"Don't die, or you're very really dead." He said bluntly as the demon took the vile of blood from the table and gulped it down.

"If it's enough blood the boys will be set free, but if not one will die. This is a very sick man, who has trapped you all for his final game that you cannot let him win."

"Why?" I asked.

"Because then he can reincarnate himself into your world and leave you three here."

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