I added the sound from the Grudge movies just in case some of you have never seen it before!
"All we can do is try, right? My only job is to keep you safe."
"Why do you have to keep me safe?"
"I don't want anyone else to go through what I went through." He said glancing down at his feet.
I followed his gaze, from his chest down there was blood covering everything.Tehre wasn't a clean spot on him. While his feet were bare, they showed marks of abuse, badly broken and mangled in odd positions.
"We have to get you out as fast as possible before he finds a way to trap you in here forever." He stated before I could ask what happened to him.
"Like he did to you?" I asked, going along with the new topic.
"Yes, and as long as one of your friends don't try to re-enter his haunted house than we should be good." He said glancing out from our hiding spot. "I know this house for how it is in his time, so I'll tell you where to go and when to hide.
"How are you going to know where he is?"
"I'm a ghost remember?" I asked with a slight chuckle as he disappeared before my eyes.
I froze as the sound of screams reached my ears, ear splitting cries of pure terror. I heard the clump of a blunt object banging around or something falling to the floor in a heep.
"Okay, run down stairs, don't stop, don't even look. Just run! Hide in the Grudge room!" James demanded as he reappeared in front of me.
"Are you crazy!? It sounds like someone just died down there."
James' face grimaced slightly in disgust before he could control the reaction. He tried to cover it up, but his reaction had told me everything I needed.
"The Grudge room?" I asked, I never stepped foot in that room it scared me so badly.
"Yes, now hurry he's going to find out what's going on soon!"
"What do you mean?"
"He'll figure out how you're disappearing right in front of him. Then attempt to cover all the hiding places."
"Okay, let’s do this." I took a deep breath and ran, forced my legs to move as I travelled the empty halls. The ones from the old house looked liked they had began to decay from lack of care.
I could hear the clump of his feet as he walked up the stairs. I looked around for James, but didn't see him anywhere.
"There you are princess. Now come to me, and let me be free."
"No!" I yelled as I turned a corner, heading for the only other renovated part of the upstairs I knew about.
Once inside I heard him curse and run by, James was right. For now this disappearing act would work, but he was bound to figure it out somehow and I didn't want that to happen.
I ran out from my hiding place and down the stairs. There was loud creaking and groaning from the steps with each one I took. The stairs were starting to fall to decay like the rest of the house. On the last step my foot went through the wood, trapping my foot in the stairs.
"James!" I yelled in a whisper. "James! Help me!" I called.
"I can't do anything! I'm a ghost! I can't touch you or anything like that."
"Then tell me what to do!" I demanded attempting to pull my foot out of the stair.
"Point your toes like ballerinas do and pull out."
I did as I was told just as the sound of the murderer's boot reached my ears. My foot sprang from its trap and I was running again as his boots came down the stairs.
I ran through empty hallways that were decaying with age, furniture was all over the place along with some fresh blood in the middle of the hallway that seemed to age right before my eyes.
"Come out, come out wherever you are little one! Mr. Richards won't hurt you a bit." He said.
I could hear the menacing threat in his voice, but also the sound of an old man speaking to me. Like a grandfather would to their grandchildren as comfort. Shivers ran up my spine as I looked into the Grudge room.
"Hide! He's coming!" James warned as I took tentative steps into the room.
“I can’t.”
“You have no choice!”
“You don’t know what’s in that room!” I yelled with fear running through my veins.
“Is it worse than being murdered?” He asked, clearly he had never seen the movies.
“It’s about the same.”
“You can’t let him see you! I will make you go in there!”
“How you can’t touch me!” I retorted has he merged his body into mine and took control. I pleaded with him to stop, but he didn’t and with each step I was further put into my most feared room.
“Now, stay. I’ll stay with you for now if it helps.” James said, appearing at my side again.
I was so traumatized that all I could do was nod as an answer. The door never closed, but soon Richards was standing in front of the door, looking up and down the hallway I had just been in. That's when I heard the death rattle behind me.
"If I die James, I'm going to haunt your ass!"
Murder House
HorrorFrom Ouija boards to myths and scenes to make you wish you didn't come back the Murder house has it all. All of the demon games and myths that plague you in your nightmares and gorish movies come to life in one house. So why would someone live there...