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Yes, I'm a yo no sabo.

I'm still gonna eat the food like I'm straight from my half of the island and act like I can sing Obsesión, which will be played at some point of this story, just not this chapter lol

I haven't proofread everything, so don't mind any errors too much!



Hope you enjoy!


“Yay! Main Street is clean again!” Bowie danced, throwing her arms up after resting her broom against a nearby tree.

“I found a spider behind Scar’s ear. Can I keep it, Momma?” Cassandra smiled, carefully coming down from said statue. Her focus was on getting down as well as not crushing the beautiful specimen.


Cassandra turned around, her little palms holding a large spider within them. When she looked up to where she thought you'd be, she saw no one in sight.

“Eh?! Momma?!” Cassandra shook, her voice turning down to that of a whimper.

Instantly, her mind wandered to the idea that you left her and Bowie behind. Tears pricked her eyes, and her intense shaking disturbed the spider in her hands.

“That guy was right, I am a hassle!” Cassandra muttered to herself, “Momma, where are you!” She fell back on her bum so that she could bring her knees to her chest, only to land on something soft.


Cassandra yelped, looking down to see you staring up at the ceiling with a neutral expression.

Instantly, puffy circles appeared around your daughter's head, and she tossed the spider to the side to hug you. “Momma! There you are!”

Her earlier fears long gone, she could only wonder why you were laying on the floor. Still, Cassandra laid happily with her head on your chest.

You could only pat her head, the uniform jacket you used as a makeshift pillow to protect your head did little for comfort.

To say you were exhausted was an understatement. You sped through all of Main Street in less than 2 hours, making sure everything was as clean as you could get it.

In the time that it took Bowie and Cassandra to clean one statue, you'd done three. By the time they finished their second statue, you were halfway done with sweeping Main Street.

One of the jobs you had to take to support yourself and your kids was housekeeping. You could get two rooms looking brand new in an hour. Despite such skills, the Ramshackle Dorm seemed to fight back against you.

“I still need to teach the ghosts how to make that food.” Your soul left your mouth, only for someone to catch it by the tail before it could fly off.

A new voice spoke up, “Oh dear, Crowley has you working to the bone, doesn't he?” Their tone pitied you almost humorously, as if they enjoyed pretending to feel bad.

Once you felt whole again, you looked up at the silhouette with a squint. They were very… wide set.

“A bear?” You muttered, genuinely trying to decipher what you were looking at.

“Not quite, puppy. Though I've wanted to make a coat from a bear, the fur is just too coarse.” The man hummed, adjusting his coat.

You sat up, making Cassandra barrel roll down your body with faint gasps. She would've kept rolling if Bowie and Grim didn't stop her. The bold red and yellow words of TEAMWORK showed above the three as dizzy circles replaced Cassandra's eyes.

“I'm sorry, who are you?” You pinched the bridge of your nose, your exhaustion causing easy irritation from you.

A gloved hand reached down to you, “Where are my manners? My name is Divus Crewel.”

You were pulled up with ease, meeting eyes with a very handsome man. Turns out he wasn't wide set, simply wearing a large fluffy coat. His black and white hair immediately reminded you of the infamous Cruella DeVille, giving you an idea of his personality.

“I’m the school's potionology professor.” Divus smirked, admiring your looks. “I heard of a girl coming to Night Raven, but I didn't believe it. Now here you are!” He hummed, “And you're gorgeous, have you considered modeling, puppy?”

All these words at once, too much talking. You held up a hand, the other rubbing your forehead, “Yo, imma need you to slow ya roll.” You grumbled.

Before he could say anything, Divus felt something tug on his coat. He looked down to meet big onyx eyes staring up at him, “Yes, pup?” Dicus recognized the eyes to belong to a child, confirming the rumors that you also brought children with you.

Cassandra fumbled with her long skirt, a bit flustered now that his attention was fully on her. “U-uhm… Good morning, sir!” She started off well, “You said… uh, you said you're the potionology teacher, right?” She paused to keep from stuttering too hard.

Divus was patient, pups needed time in order to grow after all. He nodded, “Good morning to you as well, little pup. And yes, I teach students about the many ingredients and combinations to make all kinds of potions and poisons.” Divus smiled at the sparkle that formed in the little one's eyes.

“Wow! Sir, I found potions in my room y-yesterday, and I want to know what they do!” She rushed to one of the statues, pulling out her large bag of potions. The poor child was so excited, she was stuttering from joy instead of anxiety.

Huh, you were wondering where the bag had gone.

Divus’s eyes widened in surprise, upon hearing the dulled clicks of multiple bottles. “Oh dear…” He trailed off, watching as Cassandra pulled two bottles out to show.

“I wanna learn about it all! Teach me please, Professor Crewel!” Oh, how bright her eyes sparkled, you hadn't seen her so happy in public for so long. It made your heart ache with pride, as well as guilt.

This left Divus stunned, looking to you for assistance. You shrugged, pointing your lip towards Cassandra, “She's an intelligent kid and a quick learner. If you don't teach her, she'll figure it out on her own.” You grinned as you added, “Shi, she'll probably outdo you before she reaches the age of 10.”

Bowie threw her arms around Cassandra from the side, looking up at Divus with furrowed brows. “My sister is a super genius! She'll be your best ever student!”

Grim crossed his fluffy arms, “She's not better than me, but that girl has scary smart brains.”

Divus sighed in defeat, looking as handsome as ever. “Fine, I give in.” Cassandra was just about to squeal when he held up a finger to interrupt, “But I'll give you a challenge: After a full week of potionology classes, you will need to make a potion of my choosing. If it backfires, you fail and I won't take you in as my apprentice.”

Cassandra faltered for a split second upon hearing the stakes, but her expression was still determined. “I ain't scared!” She puffed her cheeks, “I'll see you in class tomorrow, Professor Crewel!”

With that, she turned on her heel and stiffly marched off with her bag. “Come on! We have to see the kitchen ghosts!” Cassandra barked, refusing to look back. You could tell she was embarrassed by her earlier bravery, but you were proud nonetheless.

As the tiny trio ran ahead of you, you reached for Divus' hand, giving it a firm handshake. “Pleasure meeting you, Professor.” You winked before jogging after your children.

Divus shook his head in amusement, resting his hands on his hips. Of all things, he didn't expect a child to demand his teaching when he approached you.

“Those girls…” He chuckled, walking the opposite way.

“So you just do it like this?” The ghost mimicked your smashing of the plantains, earning a nod from you.

“Look at you, you're a natural, Auntie O!” You grinned, before a loud sizzling reached your ears.

Looking over, you realized that it came from the section where the fried cheese was happening. “Ay, Chester! Watch out for that cheese! It should stay a rectangle if you doin’ it the way I taught you!”

Bowie, who was standing by said ghost, spoke up, “Come on, Chester. My momma makes the best fried cheese. If you listen to her, you can do no wrong!” She encouraged the plump ghost, who silently smiled down at her before returning his attention to said cheese.

Cassandra grinned, despite her eyes getting puffy and teary-eyed, “Rinsing the onions in cold water keeps you from tearing up faster!” She grinned as multiple ghosts were slicing onions at rapid speed. She sat on the counter nearby, dangling her legs over the edge.

With a roll of your eyes, you picked her up and set her down on the ground, wiping her fears away. Then you ushered her and Bowie out of the kitchen. “Now if that oil pops, ion wanna hear nun’.” They giggled as they patiently waited outside the doorway to the kitchen, excited for their familiar comfort food to be complete.

Now you had to get Grim out, “Huh, where'd that cat go?”

“Wah! This salami is amazing!”

An irk mark appeared above your head as you instantly popped up behind him. You grabbed him by the scruff (don't do that unless you have proper experience, you can damage a cat's nervous system and seriously hurt them if you do it wrong <3) “Whelp, you done lost kitchen privilege.” You declared, tossing the fidgeting tanuki creature out of the kitchen.

“Nyah! How dare you handle the Great Grim like a cat!” He growled, resting his paws on his sides as he glared at your back.

Bowie spoke up, “But aren't you a cat?” She furrowed her brows, “This whole time, I thought you were a cat.” She looked over at Cassandra, "Is he not a cat?"

Sparing a grin at the conversation, you returned your attention to the ghosts, making sure everything was being prepared as you instructed.

Since you couldn't use magic to properly demonstrate, you had to show through the traditional way. Once they master the traditional way, then they could use magic to make it quicker next time.

“Baby, where'd you learn this kinda food from?” Auntie O howled, wiping ghost sweat off her forehead. Mashing the plantains did take up energy, so you took over for her as you answered.

“This is a dish from my late husband's culture. Specifically, from the Dominican Republic, but I figure that no one here knows what that is.” You shrugged that last bit off.

“Wait... they don't have no Daddy?” Auntie O muttered in shock, a pudgy hand covering her mouth as she looked back to see your twin daughter peeking into the kitchen with happy faces. You were too far for them to hear your conversation.

You shook your head, “They say it was an accident, but I know someone set him up. I know him as well as I know myself.”

“But you're so young! How long was y’all married?”

You knew she meant well, and you took the opportunity to vent. Lord knew you needed an ear.

“We basically grew up together, his grandma taught us what I know now. May they both rest in peace.” You took a moment in their memory, the sweetest people you ever had the honor of meeting.

When you opened your eyes again, Auntie O spoke up, “I'm so sorry, baby. I didn't mean to bring up no bad memories.” Her voice was so sad as she tried to give you a hug around the shoulders. You could almost feel the love and genuine sorrow.

“The only bad memory he gave me was his funeral.” You hummed as the smashed plantains became the texture you liked most. “My Charina was taken from us too soon, but I'm grateful for having him in my life for as long as I did.”

You lifted your tool, nodding in approval at the texture, “There,” You turned the attention towards the other ghosts that were smashing plantains, gesturing to your own bowl. “Think of mashed potatoes, not too smooth but not too chunky. That's the golden texture, there!”

All the ghosts on plantain duty saluted, returning to their bowls with newfound confidence. They didn't know mangú texture, but they sure did now mashed potato texture!

“I'm sorry for laying all that on you, Auntie.” You sincerely apologized, “I didn't mean to bring down the mood.”
Auntie O shook her head, her ghostly head wrap moving after, “You showed me how strong you are. You already went through what people first experience at my age!” She gestured to herself, which successfully made you laugh.

“That man of yours musta loved you like crazy, and I just know he rootin’ fuh you. You can always talk to me about it.” She smiled proudly, “Now go sit down, we got it over here!” Auntie O ushered you out of the kitchen to where Cassandra and Bowie were.

You playfully sighed, “Well, it seems like I did my part.” You dusted your front off, untying the apron you wore for the kitchen.

“Wow, the kitchen is busier than usual.”

You looked over at the deep voice, nearly swinging on the upside down man when you realized he was hanging like that right by your head. “Ouu shh-!” Still, you refrained from following your instinct, dragging your hands down your mouth as you harshly blew air from between your lips to calm yourself.

“You can't be doing that, I almost smacked the shit outta you.” You looked back at the black and pink haired man. Waving your finger, you halfheartedly scolded him, still trying to calm the other half.

He chuckled in response, “My apologies, it's a habit of mine.” He turned right side up, still floating to meet you at eye level.

“I believe I've seen you before, am I wrong?” The boyish looking man with the deep voice tilted his head as he took in your features. “I would know if I did, there's no chance I'd forget a beauty such as yourself.”

You huffed at his words, giving him a death glare as you were irritated now. “Don't make me blush nah.” You grumbled, before a tug at your skirt pulled your attention.

It was Cassandra, who looked up at you in panic, a look Bowie also shared as she looked at you. Once she had your attention, Cassandra silently reached for your hand, her grabbing motions urgent.

You reached down, and she was quick to grab your offered hand.



Two squeezes.

Her light pants of fear barely reached you, her little hands shaking as she warned you of the student floating in the air.

‘So this guy is a Fae… Kinda obvious, but good to know Cassandra's serious about this.’ You thought to yourself, looking back at the amused, floating Fae.

“Lunch won't be ready for a little while, so what business you got here?” You crossed your arms, leaning against the wall behind you. “Whatever you want, it best not involve my chirren.”

Lilia raised an amused brow, “Us fae don't take human children from their families, you know.” He didn't seem offended at all, “In fact, my human son was left on my doorstep when I first met him.” He rotated in midair as he blabbered, which amazed Bowie before Cassandra smacked her wrist.

“So you won't try to hold power over me or make me owe you a favor?” You studied his face as hard as you could without making it obvious.

She's Not From Here {Various Twisted Wonderland x MILF! Reader}Where stories live. Discover now