ch. 19

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A few weeks had passed since Zee and Nunew made the decision to move in together, and they had been adjusting to their new life as a couple sharing a home. Although they hadn’t moved to a new place that they can call their own, Zee’s families house now felt like a shared space—a home for both of them. Slowly, Nunew’s belongings had made their way into Zee’s home, each item making it feel more like theirs.

Life together had been smooth. They quickly found a rhythm in their daily routines—whether it was making breakfast together, going on their morning runs, or simply enjoying quiet evenings with each other. Their bond only grew stronger with every passing day, and they loved how natural it felt to share a life together.

One evening, after a long day of work, Zee arrived home to find Nunew lounging on the couch, a book in his hands and a calm expression on his face. Zee’s heart warmed at the sight of him. It still amazed him how easily they had fallen into this life together, how perfect it all felt.

“How was your day, Nhu?” Zee asked as he dropped his keys on the table and made his way over to his omega.

Nunew glanced up with a smile, setting his book aside. “It was good, Hia. I spent the day organizing a few things around the house. How about you?”

Zee sighed in contentment as he sat beside Nunew, pulling him close. “Busy, but now that I’m home, I feel better.”

Nunew laughed softly, leaning into Zee’s embrace. “I’m glad you’re here. This place doesn’t feel the same without you.”

Zee pressed a soft kiss to Nunew’s forehead, letting the comfortable silence between them settle in. There was something so peaceful about these quiet moments together—something that made all the stresses of the outside world fade away.

As they sat there, Nunew spoke up, his voice thoughtful. “You know, Hia… I was thinking. Now that we’re settled here, maybe we could start making some new traditions together. Little things that are just for us.”

Zee raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “Like what?”

Nunew tilted his head, considering his words. “Maybe something simple, like a movie night every week, or a special breakfast we make together on weekends. Just something that’s ours.”

Zee smiled, loving the idea. “I like that. Let’s make Saturday mornings our breakfast day. We can cook together, something different each time.”

Nunew’s eyes lit up with excitement. “I love that idea! And maybe Friday nights can be movie nights. We can take turns picking what to watch.”

Zee chuckled, already knowing that Nunew would pick some heartwarming rom-coms while he might lean toward action films. “Deal. But no complaints when I choose something with lots of explosions.”

Nunew laughed, his heart full as he cuddled closer to Zee. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”

As the night went on, they spent time planning their new traditions, excited for the little routines they would build together. It wasn’t just about the traditions themselves—it was about creating a life that was truly theirs, filled with moments and memories they would cherish forever.

Later that night, as they lay in bed, Zee couldn’t help but feel grateful. Grateful for Nunew, for the love they shared, and for the home they were building together.

“I love you, Nhu,” Zee whispered, his voice barely audible in the quiet room.

Nunew smiled in the darkness, reaching for Zee’s hand and lacing their fingers together. “I love you too, Hia. More than anything.”

With those words, they drifted off to sleep, their hearts full, knowing that their life together was only just beginning.

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