ch. 11

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The evening had settled into a comfortable quiet after Zee and Nunew spent time talking, the air between them calming now that they’d addressed Nunew’s restless pheromones. As the night deepened, Nunew asked Zee to stay over. He didn’t want to be alone, and Zee, sensing his omega’s vulnerability, agreed without hesitation.

The two laid side by side in Nunew’s bed, Nunew falling asleep almost immediately while Zee remained awake, listening to the soft rhythm of his breathing. Hours passed, and just when Zee’s own eyes were growing heavy, something changed.

Nunew began to stir, his body trembling beneath the covers. Zee turned toward him, worry growing as he saw the beads of sweat forming on Nunew’s forehead. His breathing became uneven, and his skin felt too warm—something wasn’t right.

“Nhu?” Zee whispered, placing a hand on Nunew’s arm. But Nunew didn’t respond, his brow furrowing as if he were caught in a restless dream.

Zee’s instincts kicked in, his alpha nature telling him what Nunew needed. Without thinking, Zee shifted closer, his body pressing against Nunew’s as he let his own pheromones flood the space around them. They were steady and grounding, like the rich scent of cedarwood mixed with the warmth of burning amber, with a hint of something smoky and protective, wrapping around Nunew like a shield.

As soon as Zee’s scent enveloped him, Nunew’s body responded, his trembling easing, the tension leaving his muscles. The sweat on his skin began to dry as his breathing evened out. Zee held Nunew close, whispering softly, letting his pheromones speak to his omega’s restless body.

“I’ve got you, Nhu,” Zee murmured, feeling the bond between them tighten as Nunew finally stilled in his arms, his body soothed by Zee’s protective presence.

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