ch. 24

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The soft glow of the evening light filtered into their bedroom, casting warm shadows on the walls. Nunew was still nestled comfortably in Zee’s arms, the steady beat of his alpha’s heart acting as a calming lullaby. The quietness of the moment made everything feel perfect, as if nothing in the world could disturb their peace.

Zee looked down at Nunew, his omega’s face so serene, lips slightly parted in a contented sigh. The sight of him like this—so relaxed and at ease—made Zee’s heart swell with love. Without thinking, a gentle smile crept onto Zee’s face, and he leaned down, his lips brushing softly against Nunew’s forehead.

Nunew stirred slightly at the sensation, blinking his eyes open to meet Zee’s gaze. There was something tender in Zee’s expression, a warmth that made Nunew’s heart skip a beat. He could feel the love radiating from his alpha, the unspoken words lingering between them.

Zee’s hand came up to cup Nunew’s cheek, his thumb brushing lightly across his skin. "Nhu," he whispered, his voice soft and full of affection.

Without another word, Zee leaned in closer, closing the small gap between them. His lips met Nunew’s in a gentle, lingering kiss, full of tenderness and care. It wasn’t rushed or demanding—it was a kiss that spoke volumes of their bond, of the quiet, deep love that had grown between them.

Nunew’s eyes fluttered closed as he leaned into the kiss, his heart racing in his chest. Every time Zee kissed him, it felt like the world stood still, and all that mattered was the feeling of their lips pressed together.

When Zee finally pulled back, his forehead resting lightly against Nunew’s, they both stayed quiet for a moment, the air between them filled with unspoken understanding. Nunew opened his eyes slowly, a small smile tugging at his lips as he gazed up at Zee.

“I love you, Hia” Nunew whispered softly, his voice barely audible, but full of meaning.

Zee’s heart warmed at those words, and he smiled in return, pressing another soft kiss to Nunew’s lips. “I love you too, Nhu. So much.”

And with that, they settled back into each other’s arms, content in the knowledge that their love was unwavering and strong. It didn’t need to be spoken aloud often—it was felt in every kiss, every touch, and every quiet moment they shared.

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