Sister From Crush?

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Then the next day we reached West Bengal. I was not able to check my phone because I was carrying all the luggage but then, when we sat in a taxi . I took my phone out and saw that there were messages from Akrati And as soon as I saw her messages, I got nervous again. Then I opened her messages and I saw that she sent me some reels and also a "Hi, good morning" text. I was smiling like crazy as soon as I read that morning text. I then replied to her, "hiii, sweet morning".

My mother said from the back seat, "what happened Arsh, why are you smiling so much?". I replied, "nothing mom, i just saw a donkey doing a back flip, nothing else". She said, "Where? I want to see a donkey doing a back flip too". I replied, " He was left behind, leave it mom". She said, "okay then". I was afraid that my mom might find out that I was talking to a girl but I survived.

Then I saw the reels sent by Akrati, they were just some funny videos. So i replied to them with some laughing emojis. Then after a few minutes Akrati's message also came. As soon as I saw that Akrati was up online, I felt very nervous and there was a tingling sensation in my stomach. Then the first thing she asked me was, "do you have any crush?". I literally had no idea what a crush actually was. I thought she was talking about something edible, so I checked on Google what does crush mean? and I got that a crush is when you like someone and not something you can eat.

I was really very scared to say that,
"the person i have a crush on is actually, you". But instead of that i said, " nope i don't have any crush" And she replied, "okay nice". Then I asked her, "do you, have a crush?" She replied, "umm yeah" and After hearing that i found myself in the depths of misery. But how stupid I was back then, I could have thought that she was talking about me but I was so filled with emotions, I didn't even think about that. Then I replied her, "oh". She asked me, " what happened?". I replied, " nothing, I was just thinking about something". She replied, "what were you thinking about?". I replied, "Power rangers, i guess" and then she started laughing seeing her laugh and happiness melted my heart and all my sadness turned into happiness.

Then we talked for a while more then she sent me a reel in which it was written something like "what do you think about me, do you like me?" And stupid me was thinking, that she sent that reel by mistake. At that time I had no idea what to say, I was so confused.
I thought if I told her I like her then she wouldn't talk to me and also she had a crush on someone. I said "Yeah I like you, but only as a sister". She replied, "oh" with a "face without mouth" emoji.

Then we were about to reach our hotel, so I ended the conversation with, "bye, I'll talk to you later" And after reaching our hotel, I went to my room and slept because I was very tired.

Then we were about to reach our hotel, so I ended the conversation with, "bye, I'll talk to you later" And after reaching our hotel, I went to my room and slept because I was very tired

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