A New Reality

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Y/n Kim found themselves enveloped in a surreal haze, a whirlwind of colors and sounds that gradually faded into nothingness. They stood at the precipice of reality, suspended in an infinite void. Confusion washed over them as fragmented memories flickered through their mind—snippets of laughter, moments of joy, and the mundane rhythms of everyday life. Suddenly, everything shattered: a crash, a blinding flash, and then darkness.

"What... happened?" Y/n thought, struggling to grasp the remnants of their consciousness. Abruptly, a brilliant light erupted in front of them, illuminating the void with a celestial glow. As Y/n squinted against the brightness, a figure began to materialize.

"Ah, Y/n," the figure said, their tone a mix of warmth and embarrassment. "I'm really sorry about this."

Y/n blinked, trying to process the sight before them—a being radiating an aura of divine energy, their features shifting like mist. "Who... who are you?" Y/n stammered, a sense of dread creeping in.

"I'm God," the figure replied, scratching their head sheepishly. "Well, kind of. I oversee many worlds, and, um, I might have accidentally caused your... demise."

Y/n's heart sank, disbelief mingling with a tinge of anger. "You mean to say you killed me? By accident?"

"Not exactly how I planned it," God admitted, looking genuinely remorseful. "It was a cosmic miscalculation. I was trying to align the stars for a grand event, and—well, let's just say your unfortunate timing didn't help."

"Great," Y/n muttered, feeling a mix of frustration and resignation. "So what happens now?"

God smiled, a twinkle in their eye. "Here's the silver lining! As an apology for my blunder, I'm giving you the chance to choose a fictional world to be reincarnated into. You can pick any universe you want!"

Y/n's mind raced with possibilities. As an avid fan of anime and fantasy, their imagination brimmed with vibrant worlds and captivating characters. One world stood out among the rest—a place brimming with intrigue, strategy, and ambition. "I want to be reincarnated in the **Classroom of the Elite**," they declared, determination fueling their choice.

"Ah, an excellent pick! Quite the competitive environment," God said, nodding approvingly. "You'll have the chance to navigate the complexities of that world. Just remember, it's not just about academics; it's about survival and strategy."

"But wait," Y/n interjected, "can I make some wishes?"

"Of course! You can have five wishes," God replied.

Y/n thought carefully about their desires. "First, I want to be reincarnated as Gapryong Kim's son, but I want to look more like Gapryong than myself, blending my features with his for a perfect mix. Second, I want all the fighting abilities from **Lookism**. Third, I want a system similar to questism system. Fourth, I want to have Ui active like how Gun has it.And finally, I want to have the same past as James Lee and Kiyotaka Ayanokōji, but I want to destroy all evidence of me being James Lee."

God nodded, a knowing smile crossing their face. "Very well! Your wishes are granted. Prepare for your new life!"

With a wave of their hand, God conjured a shimmering portal. "Are you ready?"

Y/n took a deep breath, excitement mingling with nerves. "Ready as I'll ever be."

With that, Y/n stepped through the portal, feeling a rush of energy envelop them. The world faded away once more, and when they opened their eyes, they were seated on a crowded bus. A wave of chatter and laughter filled the air, and Y/n's heart raced with the realization of where they were.

Looking around, they noticed students filled the seats, some engrossed in conversations, others glued to their phones. Y/n felt a mix of anxiety and anticipation wash over them. This was it—the world they had chosen.

As the bus jolted forward, Y/n found a seat near the back, trying to observe rather than participate. The students around them were animated, discussing everything from their summer holidays to their expectations for the new school year. Y/n listened quietly, piecing together bits of their conversations.

Suddenly, a commotion broke out near the front of the bus. An old woman had boarded, searching for an available seat. A businesswoman noticed her plight and turned to a high school student occupying a priority seating section. "Would you mind giving your seat to this woman?" she asked, her tone both polite and firm.

The student, however, responded with arrogance. "Why should I? I'm not obligated to give up my seat," he scoffed, dismissing her request with a wave of his hand. Tension filled the air as the atmosphere shifted, passengers exchanging uneasy glances.

A female high school student, witnessing the scene unfold, stepped in to appeal to the boy's better nature. "Come on, it's just a seat. Can't you show a little kindness?" she implored, her voice rising above the murmurs of discontent.

Yet the boy remained unmoved. "It's not my problem," he retorted, shrugging off her plea. Frustrated, she turned to the other passengers, asking, "Is there anyone willing to give up their seat for her?"

Sitting nearby, Kiyotaka Ayanokōji observed the entire exchange, his expression impassive. He contemplated his stance on the situation, recognizing the complexities involved. Not wanting to get involved and partially agreeing with the boy's reasoning, he decided against intervening. He noticed the girl next to him had come to the same conclusion.

Eventually, a woman stood up and offered her seat to the elderly woman, restoring a sense of order to the bus. The ride resumed, and Y/n felt a mixture of excitement and trepidation. They were stepping into a world they had only read about, and now, they were a part of it.

As the bus approached Advanced Nurturing High School, Y/n felt a surge of determination. They stepped off, adjusting their sunglasses as they walked toward the entrance of the prestigious school.

Just then, Ayanokōji was approached by the girl from the bus. "Hey," she called out, her long black hair and stern expression catching Y/n's attention. "You were looking at me on the bus. Why's that?"

There was silence as the wind blew, and the two of them stared at each other until Ayanokōji finally spoke. "Oh. My bad. I thought you didn't seem interested in giving up your seat like me."

"You hate getting involved in stuff like that too, huh?" he continued.

"Don't assume that we're the same," the girl replied first and foremost. "I didn't give up my seat due to my conviction," she added, her tone firm.

Feeling a surge of confidence, Y/n chimed in, "It's because you're beautiful."

Suzune's cheeks flushed slightly at the compliment, caught off guard.

"Uh, doesn't that make you even worse than me?" Ayanokōji thought but kept it to himself. "If that's all, then I'm off. The entrance ceremony will begin soon." The girl then made her move, and Ayanokōji watched as she walked away. After that, he too entered the school.

The journey of ambition had just begun, and Y/n was ready to rise, one step at a time.

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